Adding the rocks
The goal of the game is to destroy the floating space rocks, so now that you can shoot, it’s time to add them. Like the ship, the rocks will use RigidBody2D
, which will make them travel in a straight line at a steady speed unless disturbed. They’ll also bounce off each other in a realistic fashion. To make things more interesting, rocks will start out large and, when you shoot them, break into multiple smaller rocks.
Scene setup
Start a new scene with a RigidBody2D
node named Rock
, and add a Sprite2D
child using the res://assets/rock.png
texture. Add a CollisionShape2D
, but don’t set its shape yet. Because you’ll be spawning different-sized rocks, the collision shape will need to be set in code and adjusted to the correct size.
You don’t want the rocks coasting to a stop, so they need to ignore the default linear and angular damping. Set both Linear/Damp and Angular/Damp to 0
and Damp Mode for both to Replace. The rocks also...