In this chapter, you learned that Git is not so difficult to install, even on a non-Unix platform, such as Windows.
Once you have chosen a directory to include in a Git repository, you can see that initializing a new Git repository is as easy as executing a git init command. For now, don't worry about saving it on a remote server and so on. It's not mandatory to save it; you can do this when you need, preserving the entire history of your repository. This is a killer feature of Git and DVCS in general. You can comfortably work offline and push your work to a remote location when the network is available, without any hassle.
Lastly, we discovered one of the most important character traits of Git: it will do nothing if you don't mention it explicitly. You also learned a little bit about the add command. We were obliged to perform a git add command for a file when we committed it to Git for the very first time. Then, we used another command when we modified it. This is because if you modify a file, Git does not expect that you want it to be automatically added to the next commit (and it's right to assume this, I'd say).
In the next chapter, we will look at some fundamentals of Git.