This was a bit of a wild ride, wasn't it? The history of printing, software internals of printing, Windows printing, Citrix printing, universal printing, network printers, local printers, drivers and spoolers, Group Policies, and the list goes on. As challenging as printing support can be, the most important part of implementations built from scratch is to assess user needs and plan each and every step of a project around those needs. Being able to deliver a working solution means that you know your stakeholders and you employed industry best practices when executing the project. Sometimes, unfortunately, there are significant gaps in vendor documentation, so it is up to you—the admin or consultant—to test untested configurations and find out what works best for your users. Hopefully, in the process, you don't get tired and get inspired instead. There are not too many good blogs about printing (just a hint!). Stay tuned for the next chapter where we&apos...