Code, code, and more code
It's time to get our hands dirty and put fingers to keyboards. As always, we generated a new base application using Sencha Cmd and will use the resulting "main" view as a starting point for our user interface. First though, let's flesh out the data layer that we designed earlier:
// app/model/BaseModel.js Ext.define('Alcohology.model.BaseModel', { extend: '', schema: { namespace: 'Alcohology.model', urlPrefix: 'http://localhost:3000', proxy: { type: 'rest', url: '{prefix}/{entityName:uncapitalize}' } } });
We've used a base model in previous chapters because it gives us a good way of centralizing proxy configuration. The models that inherit from it are all straightforward, as shown in the following code:
// app/model/CartItem.js Ext.define('Alcohology.model.CartItem', { extend: 'Alcohology...