Using data grids
Every time you need to display complex, structured information to a user, you can use the grid, one of the most common UI controls. We’ll read more about grids in the next chapter, when covering database apps. However, I want to introduce grids now, as they are even more common on desktop applications.
Let’s see how TStringGrid
works in FireMonkey. Let’s get back to our MultiViewDemo example and place a string grid control on the detail panel called Panel1
. Align this grid to Client
. Now, select the grid and right click on it, or view the commands at the bottom of the Object Inspector and open its Items Editor window. In the combo box on the side, make sure that TStringColum
is selected (as we want to have a grid of strings), and press Add Item five times. You should have now added five columns, as shown in Figure 9.4.

Figure 9.4: Adding columns to a string grid at design time
Close this dialog, and set the RowCount...