The Generator inspector
Chapter 7 showed how generators are like titles in the way they are little animated video clips. The tab for the Generator inspector is in the same location at the top left of the inspector window as the Titles tab is positioned.
![Figure 10.48 – The Generator tab in blue](
Figure 10.48 – The Generator tab in blue
By default, the content of the Generator inspector will look much more complex due to the inherent complexity of the generator itself. As with titles, each generator is unique and more likely to include dropzones as well as the ability to enter text.
![Figure 10.49 – Generator with dropzones and Text panels](
Figure 10.49 – Generator with dropzones and Text panels
The key to working in the Generator inspector is to expect the unexpected. It pushes the boundaries of what can be achieved with a plug-in, so will be complex by nature.
The next tab that I will cover is a temporary tab that will only appear when a transition is selected in the timeline.