Elements of the debug page
Now let's turn our attention to the debug page we've encountered. There is quite a lot of information on it, split into four parts (only the first and beginning of the second are visible in the screenshot). In this section, we focus on what information, in general, is included in each part of the debug page, noting the values we see on this page simply as examples. Later in the chapter, we will see how the specific information presented on this debug page can be used to fix the error we have made.
Basic error information
The very top part of the debug page contains basic error information. Both the page title and the first line of the page body state the type of exception encountered, and the URL path contained in the request that triggered the exception. In our case, the type of exception is a TypeError, and the URL path is /. So, we see TypeError at / as the first line on the page.
The second line contains the exception value. This is usually a specific description...