Exercise 1: Provisioning Azure Queue Storage
Before you move on to take a look at the code examples, you first need to know how to provision Azure Queue Storage from the Azure CLI. The following exercise will build the local redundant storage and then enable the queue service by creating a new queue. This is a Bash script and can be run from Cloud Shell or localhost. You can find the code at the following link: https://packt.link/VL6QS
The following steps should be executed in Bash. Use Cloud Shell or install the Azure CLI (http://aka.ms/azcli) locally. The resources provisioned will be used for the next step, so save the connection string from the output for the next exercise.
- Create a resource group:
az group create -l eastus -n MessagingDemo-RG
- To avoid name collisions, generate a unique name for your account:
- Create a storage account:
az storage account create --name $account --resource-group MessagingDemo-RG
- Retrieve the key: