We can add one-dimensional CNN and max-pooling layers after the embedding layer, which will then feed the consolidated features to the LSTM.
Here is our embedding layer:
model = Sequential()
We can apply a convolution layer with a small kernel filter (filter_length) of size 3, with 32 output features (nb_filter):
model.add(Conv1D (padding="same", activation="relu", kernel_size=3,\ num_filter=32))
Next, we add a pooling layer; the size of the region to which max pooling is applied is equal to 2:
model.add(GlobalMaxPooling1D ())
The next layer is a LSTM layer, with 100 memory units:
The final layer is a Dense output layer, with a single neuron and a sigmoid activation function, to make 0 or 1 predictions for the two classes (good...