How do you negotiate?
Conflicts are often solved through negotiation. Two or more people who have a disagreement come together and negotiations ensue to reach a mutually satisfactory solution. However, not all negotiating in the workplace is to resolve conflict.
Often we will negotiate to establish a salary, organize priorities, get a vendor's best price, or even decide who will take telephone calls on a day the receptionist is off sick.
Negotiating can take place through any communication channel whether that is in person, on the telephone or by email. Each situation lends itself to more of one than another.
Think back to any recent negotiations: you and another person in your company were perhaps vying for similar resources in a tight budget year, or maybe you and another colleague wanted the same vacation dates.
Keep these events in mind and answer the following statements with only one of the words in the Scale of Words. Your honest answers will give you a clearer understanding of how you...