Show a form in a light-box
There are many kinds of pop-up boxes or light-boxes available to use with Joomla!. In this recipe, we'll use the standard Joomla! light-box (called Squeezebox) to show a form in a pop-up box. This approach should be easily adaptable to other similar boxes.
Thanks to Vicki Payne for working out how to do this and posting her results in the ChronoForms forum. We'll use an improved version of her approach here.
Getting ready
Any form will pretty much do, provided that is it small enough to sit comfortably inside the Squeezebox. Here, we'll use our familiar newsletter signup form.
You'll also need the ChronoForms Module if it isn't already installed.
How to do it...
1. First off create a new form; we'll need two forms to make this work smoothly.
We're going to use this second form to create a module with a link to launch the Squeezebox. In the Form HTML put the following code:
<?php JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); ?> <a class="modal" href="index.php?option=com_chronocontact...