A character is a person (actor) in our script. In introducing a character, we need to keep the description as nonspecific as possible (so that casting can pick the right actor to play the part), but include anything that is important to the story. The three areas we need to cover in the first appearance of a character are:
His or her name (ALL CAPS the first time used) and age (keep all this simple)
How they are dressed (if important to the story)
Any distinguishing attitudes or anything else that might determine how they react to people
Keep all that under four lines
An example is:
HERMIE WEINER - late 50s, short, bald, wearing a thread bare suit - slams open the door to the drugstore and stomps in. His expression and attitude are that of a tough little guy used to getting his own way
The Character element is how we indicate their name and cause Celtx to properly format it, as shown in the following screenshot:

The (CONT'D) next to Bobby's name in the preceding screenshot is standard...