The Databricks SQL security model
The Databricks SQL security model is based on the well-established security model in SQL databases, which allows you to set fine-grained access permissions using standard SQL statements such as GRANT
In Chapter 3, The Data Catalog, in the Understanding the data organization model in Databricks SQL section (see Figure 3.1), we established the existence of the following data assets:
- Catalog
- Databases
- Tables
- Views
- Functions (named and anonymous)
- Any files (that is, the underlying files of a table)
These are the securable objects in the data catalog.
In Chapter 3, The Data Catalog, we also learned that we have a choice of two data cataloging technologies:
- Apache Hive Metastore (current default)
- Unity Catalog (future default)
Regardless of the catalog that you use, from a usage perspective, the security model and the means to program it remain the same. The difference...