Basket analysis
The methods we have discussed so far work well when you have numeric ratings of how much a user liked a product. This type of information is not always available.
Basket analysis is an alternative mode of learning recommendations. In this mode, our data consists only of what items were bought together; it does not contain any information on whether individual items were enjoyed or not. It is often easier to get this data rather than ratings data as many users will not provide ratings, while the basket data is generated as a side effect of shopping. The following screenshot shows you a snippet of's web page for the book War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy, which is a classic way to use these results:
This mode of learning is not only applicable to actual shopping baskets, naturally. It is applicable in any setting where you have groups of objects together and need to recommend another. For example, recommending additional recipients to a user writing an e-mail is done by...