Communicating with the phone
The app that we have coded is in some senses completely autonomous—the iPhone companion app does nothing except install the watchOS app, after which the player never needs to engage with the phone. Which is kind of a shame given that the phone offers us some benefits that most apps are likely to be able to make use of. These include:
- Much greater storage capacity for resources
- Much greater processing power (and the battery life to do it)
- A much larger screen
While we will have little use in C-Quence for the first two of these, we will make use of the ease with which our users can give us information using the larger screen, information that we will only collect once, or at least not often.
As mentioned in Chapter 1, Exploring The New Platform, the Apple Watch is at one and the same time an independent device, and an extension of the iPhone, but we can also turn this relationship around and use the iPhone to augment the capabilities of the Watch.
To get input...