Meteor with Redux
The functionality of the Filter page is the following:
- The user should be able to create as many filters as he wants (list of filters)
- The user should be able to edit and delete the created filters
- The user should be able to activate one filter at a time
- The user should be able to see incoming tweets in real time by an activated filter
- On the Sentiment page, the user should see the statistics only on the currently active filter
For the purpose of learning how we can manage the application's state, we will persist all the user actions on the client using Redux.
Every single JavaScript framework currently on the market has an example of the famous To-do list app demonstrating the core functionalities of the framework, such as a data flow, data bindings, and more.
You can think of the Filters a as To-do list.
Redux and pure functions
In JavaScript, there are five primitive types: undefined, null, boolean, string, and number; everything else is an object. If we pass an object to a function...