Let's go ahead and run this. Go to Debug > Start Without Debugging or use Ctrl + F5. You should see the following:
Figure 5.2: The Debug screen
It should say I move by flapping my fins., which is correct. Now, let's head back to our code and change it so that we create a Human object, rather than Fish. The changed line should read as follows:
Movable movableObject = new Human();
All we've done here is replace Fish with Human; we're creating a different type of object. Let's go ahead and run this new code. Go to Debug > Start Without Debugging and you should see the following:
Figure 5.3: The Debug screen
The preceding example uses polymorphism because human and fish are treated as Movable objects, and when the Move method is called on each one, the correct, derived class version of Move is invoked.
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