V - DokChess
"Someday computers will make us all obsolete." - Robert ("Bobby") Fisher, World Chess Champion 1972-1975, in 1975.
This chapter describes the architecture of the chess program DokChess. I originally created it as an example for presentations and training on software architecture and design. Later on, I implemented it in Java and refined it for a German book on documenting software architectures (see http://www.swadok.de). The source code is available on GitHub and more information can be found at http://www.dokchess.de:
Figure 5.1: DokChess virtual product box
In the following architectural overview, you will learn about the important design decisions of DokChess. It shows the requirements that relate to the structure and design, basic solutions to problems, the structure of the software, and the interaction of key elements. The outline of the content follows the arc42 template.
The target audience of this architectural...