Publishing your app
Your app is finished and ready to go. It's 2 am in the morning, you have just run it for the last time in the simulator, and it works. The deadline for submission was 5 p.m. the night before. You want to get it uploaded quickly so you can get some sleep… Sounds familiar?
Hopefully it won't be like that this time. While it can be incredibly frustrating having to wait up to a week (and sometimes longer) for Apple to review your app (I do not know of any shortcuts to get your app into the store faster, sorry), it does mean that uploading it in the early hours of the morning when you are strung out on coffee will not have a big effect on the time it takes to release. It's far better to release when you are sure that everything is ok. Do not rush your submission; a rejection can take up to a week, and worse still you could have a silly mistake making it into the store. You don't want to give anyone an excuse to pan your app with one star reviews. You are releasing your app...