Before we move forward, let's make sure all tables have been migrated from the SQLite database to the newly set up PostgreSQL database.
First, we need to migrate the SQLite metadata database to our new PostgreSQL installation. We will use sequel, an open-source database toolkit available as a Ruby gem. It works very well with migration tasks from sqlite3 to PostgreSQL, which is why we are using it.
We will install OS dependencies and gem dependencies along with the sequel Ruby gem:
sudo apt-get install ruby-dev libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev
sudo gem install pg sqlite3
sudo gem install sequel
After installing sequel, the migration is as simple as running the following command. Make sure the path to the sqlite3 database is set correctly:
sequel -C sqlite:///home/shashank/.superset/superset.db postgresql://superset:superset@localhost/superset...