The collector wire-frame
This application is about investigating articles and news and finding the truth about them. So as the very first step we need to find them. The Collector's task is to fetch original news or articles from the given sources and organize them based on our desired format. The news/articles source could be anything. It could be a plain URL, an XML file, or simply a keyword which we can search to find related news. That means the user interface for the Collector will contain a couple of input boxes to enter a URL, RSS feeds or trending keywords, and a submit button.
Depending on the entry, we need a logic (we will see it will be a service) which processes the request, fetches the contents, figures out the title, body, the news source and the URL for each content, and saves them into a database table for future usage. The following diagram describes the work-flow in the Collector:

The collector component
Looking at the preceding diagram, it indicates that we need a component...