Data sharing across multiple Amazon Redshift clusters
Amazon Redshift RA3 clusters decouple storage and compute, and provide the ability to scale either of them independently. The decoupled storage allows for data to be read by different consumer clusters that allow workload isolation. The data producer cluster controls access to the data that is shared. This feature opens up the possibility to set up a flexible multi-tenant system—for example, within an organization, data produced by a business unit can be shared with any of the different teams such as marketing, finance, data science, and so on that can be independently consumed using their own Amazon Redshift clusters.
Getting ready
To complete this recipe, you will need the following:
- An IAM user with access to Amazon Redshift
- Two separate two-node Amazon Redshift
clusters deployed in the eu-west-1 AWS Region:a. The first cluster should be deployed with the retail sample dataset from Chapter...