Target practice – Adding a Kioptrix virtual machine
Penetration testing is a skill that takes practice to be perfect. To encourage the absorption of the material within this chapter we will be adding a intentionally vulnerable Linux distribution that has been made available by Steven McElrea (aka loneferret) and Richard Dinelle (aka haken29a) of the team. Head over to the website, choose your language of choice, and then click on the Kioptrix VM Level 1 link to the right of the page.
Once the download has been completed and the files have been extracted to a folder of choice, we will need to create a new virtual machine in our Oracle VirtualBox penetration testing lab and direct it to use the virtual machine we have downloaded:
Name: Kioptrix VM Level 1
OS Type: Other Linux
Memory: 256
Startup Disk: Kioptrix Level 1.vmdk (Normal, 3.00 GB)
Be sure to select the Use existing hard disk option:
Once the process has been successfully completed you should verify...