In this article by, Govardhan Gunnala and Daniele Tosatto, authors of the book Mastering Citrix® XenDesktop®, we will discuss the process of designing XenDesktop® deployments.
The uniqueness of the XenDesktop architecture is its modular five layer model. It covers all the key decisions in designing the XenDesktop deployment.
- User layer: Defines the users and their requirements
- Access layer: Defines how the users will access the resources
- Desktop/resource layer: Defines what resources will be delivered
- Control layer: Defines managing and maintaining the solution
- Hardware layer: Defines what resources it needs for implementing the chosen solution
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
While FMA is simple at a high level, its implementation can become complex depending on the technologies/options that are chosen for each component across the layers of FMA. Along with great flexibility, comes the responsibility of diligently choosing the technologies/options for fulfilling your business requirements.
Importantly, the decisions made in the first three layers impact the last two layers of the deployment. It means that fixing a wrong decision anywhere in the first three layers during/after implementation stage would have less or no scope, and may even lead to implement the solution from the scratch again. Your design decisions speak for your solution's effectiveness in helping with the given business requirements.
The layered architecture of the XenDesktop FMA, featuring the components at each layer is given in the following diagram. Each component of XenDesktop will fall under one of the layers shown in the succeeding diagram. We'll see what decisions are to be made for each of these components at each layer in the next sub section.

Decisions to be made at each layer
I will have to write a separate book for discussing all the possible technologies/options that are available at each layer. Following is a highly summarized list of the decisions to be made at each layer. This will help you in realizing the breadth of designing XenDesktop. This high level coverage of the various options will help you in locating and considering all the possible options that are available for making the right decisions and avoiding any slippages and missing any considerations.
User layer
The user layer refers to the specification of the users who will utilize the XenDesktop deployment. A business requirement statement may mention that the service users can either be the internal business users or the external customers accessing the service from Internet. Furthermore, both of these users may also need mobile access to the XenDesktop services.
The Citrix receiver is the only component that belongs to the user layer, and XenDesktop is dependent on it for successfully delivering a XenDesktop session. By correlating this technical aspect with the preceding business requirement statement, one needs to consider all the possible aspects of receiver software on the client devices.
This involves making the following decisions:
- Endpoint/user devices related: What are the devices that the users are supposed to access the services from? Who owns and administrates those devices throughout their lifecycle?
- Endpoints supported: Corporate computers, laptops, or mobiles running on Windows or thin clients. User smart devices, such as Android tablets, Apple iPads, and so on. In case of service providers, the endpoints can usually be any device and they need to be supported.
- Endpoint ownership: Device management includes security, availability, and compliance. Maintaining the responsibility of the devices on network.
- Endpoint lifecycle: Devices become either outdated or limited very quickly. Define minimum device hardware requirements to run your business workloads.
- Endpoint form factor: Choose the devices that may either be fully featured or have limited thin clients, or be a mix of both to support features, such as HDX graphics, multi-monitors, and so on.
- Thin client selection: Choose if the thin clients, such as Dell Wyse Zero clients, running on the limited functionality operating systems would suffice your user requirements. Understand its licensing cost.
- Receiver selection: Once you determine your endpoint device and its capabilities, you need to decide on the receiver selection that can be run on the devices. The greatest thing is that receiver is available for almost any device.
- Receiver type: Choose the receiver that is required for your device. Since the Receiver software for each platform (OS) differs, it is important to use the appropriate Receiver software for your devices while considering the platform that it runs on. You can download the appropriate Receiver software for your device from page.
- Initial deployment: Receiver is like any other software that will fit into your overall application portfolio. Determine how you would deploy this application on your devices. For corporate desktops and mobiles, you may use the enterprise application deployment and the mobile device management software. Otherwise, the users will be prompted to install it when they access the StoreFront URL, or they can even download it from Citrix for facilitating the installation process. For user-managed mobile devices, you can get it from the respective Windows or Google Apple stores/marketplaces.
- Initial configuration: Similar to other applications, Receiver requires certain initial configuration. It can be configured either manually or by using a provisioning file, group policy, and e-mail based discovery.
- Keeping the Receiver software up-to-date: Once you have installed Receiver on user devices, you will also require a mechanism for deploying the updates to Receiver. This can also be the way of initial deployments.
Access layer
An access layer refers to the specification of how the users gain access to the resources. A business requirement statement may usually state that the users should be validated for gaining access, and the access should be secured when the user is connected over the Internet.
The technical components that fall under this layer include firewall(s), NetScaler, and StoreFront. These components play a broader role in the overall networking infrastructure of the company, which also includes the XenDesktop, as well as complete Citrix solutions in the environment. Their key activities include firewalling, external to internal IP address NATing, NetScaler Gateway to secure the connection between the virtual desktop and the user device, global load balancing, user validation/authentication, and GUI presentation of the enumerated resources to the end users.
It involves making the following decisions:
- Authentication:
- Authentication point: A user can be authenticated at the NetScaler Gateway or StoreFront.
- Authentication policy: Various business use cases and compliance makes certain modes of authentication mandatory. You can choose from the different authentication methods supported at:
- StoreFront: Basic authentication by using a username and a password; Domain Pass-through, the NS Gateway pass-through, smart card, and even unauthenticated access.
- NetScaler Gateway: LDAP, RADIUS (token), client certificates.
- StoreFront: The decisions that are to be made around the scope of StoreFront are as follows:
- Unauthenticated access: Provides access to the users who don't require a username and a password, but they are still able to access the administrator allowed resources. Usually, this fits well with public or Kiosk systems.
- High availability: Making the StoreFront servers available at all times. Hardware load balancing, DNS Round Robin, Windows network load balancing, and so on.
- Delivery controller high availability and StoreFront: Building high availability for the delivery controller is recommended since they are needed for forming successful connections. Defining more than one delivery controller for the stores makes StoreFront auto failover to the next server in the list.
- Security - Inbound traffic: Consider securing the user connection to virtual desktops from the internal StoreFront and the external NetScaler Gateway.
- Security – Backend traffic: Consider securing the communication between the StoreFront and the XML services running on the controller servers. As these will be within the internal network, they can be secured by using the internal private certificate.
- Routing Receiver with Beacons: Receiver supports websites called Beacons to identify whether the user connection is internal or external. StoreFront provides Receiver with the http(s) addresses of the Beacon points during the initial connection.
- Resource Presentation: StoreFront presents a webpage, which provides self-service of the resources by the user.
- Scalability: The StoreFront server load and capacity for the user workload.
- Multi-site App synchronization: StoreFront can connect to the controllers at multiple site deployments. StoreFront can replicate the user subscribed applications across the servers.
- NetScaler Gateway: In the NetScaler Gateway, the decision regarding the secured external user access from public Internet involves the following:
- Topology: NetScaler supports two topologies: 1-Arm (normal security) and 2-Arm (high security).
- High availability: The NetScaler Gateways can be configured in pairs to provide high availability.
- Platform: NetScaler is available in different platforms, such as VPX, MDX, and SDX. They have different SSL throughput and SSL Transaction Per Second (TPS) metrics.
- Pre-authentication policy: Specifies about the Endpoint Analysis (EPA) scans for evaluating whether the endpoints meet the pre-set security criteria. This is available when NetScaler is chosen as the authentication point.
- Session management: The session policies define the overall user experience by classifying the endpoints into mobile and non-mobile devices. Session profile defines the details needed for gaining access to the environment. These are in two forms: SSLVPN and HDX proxy.
- Preferred data center: In multi-active data center deployments, StoreFront can determine the user resources primary data center and NetScaler can direct the user connections to that. Static and dynamic methods are used for specifying the preferred data center.
Desktop/resource layer
The desktop or resource layer refers to the specification of which resources (applications and desktops) users will receive. This layer comes with various options, which are tailored for business user roles and their requirements. This layer makes XenDesktop a better fit for achieving the varying user needs across each of their departments. It includes specification of the FlexCast model (type of desktop), user personalization, and delivering the application to the users in the desktop session.
An example business requirement statement may specify that all the permanent employees would require a desktop with all the basic applications pre-installed based on their team and role, with their user settings and data to be retained. For all the contract employees, provide a basic desktop with controlled access to the applications on-demand and do not retain their user data.
It includes various components, such as profile management solutions (including Windows profiles, the Citrix profile management, AppSense), Citrix print server, Windows operating systems, application delivery, and so on.
It involves making decisions, such as:
- Images: It involves choosing the FlexCast model that is tailored to the user requirements, thereby delivering the expected desktop behavior to the end users, as follows:
- Personalization: This is an essential element of the desktop environment. It involves the decisions that are critical for the end user experience/acceptance and for the overall success of the solution during implementation. Following are the decisions that are involved in personalization.
- User profiles: This involves the decisions that are related to the user login, roaming of their settings, and seamless profile experience across overall Windows network:
- Profile type: Choose which profile type works for your user requirements. Possible options include local, roaming, mandatory, and hybrid profile with Citrix Profile Management. Citrix Profile Management provides various additional features, such as profile streaming, active write back, and configuring profiles using an .ini file, and so on.
- Folder redirection: This option saves the user's application settings in the profile. Represents special folders, such as AppData, Desktop, and so on.
- Folder exclusion: This option is for setting the exclusion of folders that are to be saved in the user profile. Usually, it refers to the local and IE Temp folders of a user profile.
- Profile caching: Caching profiles on a local system improves the user login experience and it occurs by default. You need to consider this depending on the type of virtual desktop FlexCast mode.
- Profile permissions: Specify whether the administrator needs access to the user profiles based on information sensitivity.
- Profile path: The decision to place the user profiles on a network location for high availability. It affects the logon performance depending on how close the profile is to the virtual desktop from which the user is logging on. It can be managed either from Active Directory or through Citrix Profile Management.
- User profile replication between data centers: This involves making the user profiles highly available and supporting the profile roaming among multiple data centers.
- User policies: Involves the decision regarding deploying the user settings and controlling those using management policies providing consistent settings for users, such as:
- Preferred policy engine: This requires choosing the policy processing for the Windows systems. The Citrix policies can be defined and managed from either Citrix Studio or the Active Directory group policy.
- Policy filtering: The Citrix policies can be applied to the users and their desktop with the various filter options that are available in the Citrix policy engine. If the group policies have been used, then you'll use the group policy filtering options.
- Policy precedence: The Citrix policies are processed in the order of LCSDOU (Local, Citrix, Site, Domain, OU policies).
- Baseline policy: This defines the policy with default and common settings for all the desktop images. Citrix provides the policy templates that suit specific business use cases. A baseline should cover security requirements, common network conditions, and managing the user device or the user profile requirements. Such a baseline can be configured using the security policies, connection-based policies, device-based policies, and profile-based policies.
- Printing: This is one of the most common desktop user requirements. XenDesktop supports printing, which can work for various scenarios. The printing technology involves deploying and using appropriate drivers.
- Provisioning printers: These can either be a static or dynamic set of printers. The options for dynamic printers do and do not auto-create all the client printers and auto-create the non-network client printers only. You can also set the options for session printers through the Citrix policy, which can include either static or dynamic printers. Furthermore, you can also set proximity printers.
- Managing print drivers: This option can be configured so that printer drivers are auto-installed during the session creation. It can be installed by using either the generic Citrix universal printer driver, or the manual option. You can also have all the known drivers preinstalled on the master image. Citrix even provides the Citrix universal print server, which extends XenDesktop universal printing support to network printing.
- Print job routing: It can be routed among client device or through the network server. The ICA protocol is used for compressing and sending data.
- Personal vDisk: Desktops with personal vDisks retain the user changes. Choosing the personal vDisk depends on the user requirements and the FlexCast Model that was opted for. Personal vDisk can be set to thin provisioned for estimated growth, but it can't be shrunk later.
- Applications: The application separation into another layer improves the scalability of the overall desktop solution. Applications are critical elements, which the users require from a desktop environment:
- Application delivery method: Applications can be installed on the base image, on the Personal vDisks, streamed into the session, or through the on-demand XenApp hosted mode. It also depends on application compatibility, and it requires technical expertise and tools, such as AppDNA, for effectively resolving them.
- Application streaming: XenDesktop supports App-V to build isolated application packages, which can be streamed to desktops.
- 16-bit legacy application delivery: If there are any legacy 16-bit applications to be supported, then you can choose from the 32 bit OS, VM hosted App, or a parallel XenApp5 deployment.
Control layer
Control layer speaks about all the backend systems that are required for managing and maintaining the overall solution through its life cycle. The control layer includes most of the XenDesktop components that are further classified into categories, such as resource/access controllers, image/desktop controllers, and infrastructure controllers. These respectively correspond to the first three layers of FMA, as shown here:
- Resource/access controllers: Supports the access layer
- Image/desktop controllers: Supports the desktop/resource layer
- Infrastructure controllers: Provides the underlying hardware for the overall FMA components/environment
This layer involves the specification of capacity, configuration, and the topology of the environment. Building required/planned redundancy for each of these components enables achieving the enterprise business capabilities, such as HA, scalability, disaster recovery, load balancing, and so on.
Components and technologies that operate under this layer include Active Directory, group policies, site database, Citrix licensing, XenDesktop delivery controllers, XenClient hypervisor, the Windows server and the Desktop operating systems, provisioning services, which can be either MCS or PVS and their controllers, and so on.
An example business requirement statement may be as follows:
Build a highly available desktop environment for a fast growing business users group. We currently have a head count of 30 users, which is expected to double in a year.
It involves making the following decisions:
- Infrastructure controllers: It includes common infrastructure, which is required for XenDesktop to function in the Windows domain network.
- Active Directory: This is used for the authentication and authorization of users in a Citrix environment. It's also responsible for providing and synchronizing time on the systems, which is critical for Kerberos. For the most part, your AD structure will be in-place, and it may require certain changes for accommodating your XenDesktop requirements, such as:
- Forest design: It involves choosing the AD forest and domain decisions, such as multi-domain, multi-forest, domain and forest trusts, and so on, which will define the users of the XenDesktop resources.
- Site design: It involves choosing the number of sites that represent your geographical locations, the number of domain controllers, the subnets that accommodate the IP addresses, site links for replication, and so on.
- Organizational unit structure: Planning the OU structure for easier management of XenDesktop Workers and VDAs. In the case of multi-forest deployment scenarios (as supported in App Orchestration), having the same OU structure is critical.
- Naming standards: Planning proper conventions for XenDesktop AD objects, which includes users, security groups, XenDesktop servers, OUs, and so on.
- User groups: This helps in choosing the individual user names or groups. The user security groups are recommended as they reduce validation to just one object despite the number of users in it.
- Policy control: This helps in planning GPOs ordering and sizing, inheritance, filtering, enforcement, blocking, and loopback processing for reducing the overall processing time on the VDAs and servers.
- Database: Citrix uses the Microsoft SQL server database for most of its products, as follows:
- Edition: Microsoft ships the SQL server database in different editions, which provide varying features and capabilities. Using the standard edition for typical XenDesktop production deployments is recommended. For larger/enterprise deployments, depending on the requirement, a higher edition may be required.
- Database and Transaction Log Sizing: This involves estimating the storage requirements for the Site Configuration database, Monitoring database, and configuration logging databases.
- Database Location: By default, the Configuration Logging and the Monitoring databases are located within the Site Configuration database. Separating these into separate databases and relocating the Monitoring database to a different SQL server is recommended.
- High availability: Choose from VM-level HA, Mirroring, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster, and AlwaysOn Availability Groups.
- Database Creation: Usually, the database is automatically recreated during the XenDesktop installation. Alternatively, they can be created by using the scripts.
- Citrix licensing: Citrix licensing for XenDesktop requires the existence of a Citrix license server on the network. You can install and manage the multiple Citrix licenses.
- License type: Choose from user, device, and concurrent licenses.
- Version: Citrix's new license servers are backward compatible.
- Sizing: A license server can be scaled out to support a higher number of license requests per second.
- High availability: License server comes with a 30 day grace period to usually help in recovering from failures. High Availability for license server can be implemented through Window clustering technology or duplication of the virtual server.
- Optimization: Optimize the number of the receiving and processing threads depending on your hardware. This is generally required in large and heavily-loaded enterprise environments.
- Resource controllers: The resource controllers include the XenDesktop, the XenApp controllers, and the XenClient synchronizer, as shown here:
- XenDesktop and XenApp delivery controller.
- Number of sites: It is considered to have been based on network, risk tolerance, security requirements.
- Delivery controller sizing: Delivery controller scalability is based on CPU utilization. The more processor cores are available, the more virtual desktops a controller can support.
- High availability: Always plan for the N+1 deployment of the controllers for achieving the HA. Then, update the controllers' details on VDA through policy.
- Host connection configuration: Host connections define the hosts, storage repositories, and guest network to be used by the virtual machines on hypervisors.
- XML service encryption: The XML service protocol running on delivery controllers uses clear text for exchanging all data except passwords. Consider using an SSL encryption for sending the StoreFront data over a secure HTTP connection.
- Server OS load management: The default maximum number of sessions per server has been set to 250. Using real time usage monitoring and loading analysis, you can define appropriate load management policies.
- Session PreLaunch and Session Linger: Designed for helping the users in quickly accessing the applications by starting the sessions before they are requested (session prelaunch) and by keeping the user sessions active after a user closes all the applications in a session (session linger).
- XenClient synchronizer: It includes considerations for its architecture, processor specification, memory specification, network specification, high availability, the SQL database, remote synchronizer servers, storage repository size and location, and external access, and Active Directory integration.
- Image controllers: This includes all the image provisioning controllers. MCS is built-into the delivery controller. We'll have PVS considerations, such as the following:
- Farms: A farm represents the top level of the PVS infrastructure. Depending on your networking and administration boundaries, you can define the number of farms to be deployed in your environment.
- Sites: Each Farm consists of one or more sites, which contain all the PVS objects. While multiple sites share the same database, the target devices can only failover to the other Provisioning Servers that are within the same site. Your networking and organization structure determines the number of sites in your deployment.
- High availability: If implemented, PVS will be a critical component of the virtual desktop infrastructure. HA should be considered for its database, PVS servers, vDisks and storage, networking and TFTP, and so on.
- Bootstrap delivery: There are three methods in which the target device can receive the bootstrap program. This can be done by using the DHCP options, the PXE broadcasts, and the boot device manager.
- Write cache placement: Write cache uniquely identifies the target device by including the target device's MAC address and disk identifier. Write cache can be placed on the following: Cache on the Device Hard Drive, Cache on the Device Hard Drive Persisted, Cache in the Device RAM, Cache in the Device RAM with overflow on the hard disk, and Cache on the Provisioning Server Disk, and Cache on the Provisioning Server Disk Persisted.
- vDisk format and replication: PVS supports the use of fixed-size or dynamic vDisks. vDisks hosted on a SAN, local, or Direct Attached Storage must be replicated between the vDisk stores whenever a vDisk is created or changed. It can be replicated either manually or automatically.
- Virtual or physical servers, processor and memory: The virtual Provisioning Servers are preferred when sufficient processor, memory, disk and networking resources are guaranteed.
- Scale up or scale out: Determining whether to scale up or scale out the servers requires considering factors like redundancy, failover times, datacenter capacity, hardware costs, hosting costs, and so on.
- Bandwidth requirements and network configuration: PVS can boot 500 devices simultaneously. A 10Gbps network is recommended for provisioning services. Network configuration should consider the PVS Uplink, the Hypervisor Uplink, and the VM Uplink. Recommended switch settings include either Disable Spanning Tree or Enable Portfast, Storm Control, and Broadcast Helper.
- Network interfaces: Teaming the multiple network interfaces with link aggregation can provide a greater throughput. Consider the NIC features TCP Offloading and Receive Side Scaling (RSS) while selecting NICs.
- Subnet affinity: It is a load balancing algorithm, which helps in ensuring that the target devices are connected to the most appropriate Provisioning Server. It can be configured to Best Effort and Fixed.
- Auditing: By default, the auditing feature is disabled. When enabled, the audit trail information is written in the provisioning services database along with the general configuration data.
- Antivirus: The antivirus software can cause file-locking issues on the PVS server by contending with the files being accessed by PVS Services. The vDisk store and the write cache should be excluded from any antivirus scans in order to prevent file contention issues.
Hardware layer
The hardware layer involves choosing the right capacity, make, and hardware features of the backend systems that are required for the overall solution as defined in the control layer. In-line with the control layer, the hardware layer decisions will change if any of the first three layer decisions are changed.
Components and technologies that operate under this layer include server hardware, storage technologies, hard disks and the RAID configurations, hypervisors and their management software, backup solutions, monitoring, network devices and connectivity, and so on.
It involves making the decisions shown here:
- Hardware Sizing: The hardware sizing is usually done in two ways. The first, and the preferred, way is to plan ahead and purchase the hardware based on the workload requirements. The second way to size the hosts to use the existing hardware in the best configuration to support the different workload requirements, as follows:
- Workload separation: Workloads can either be separated into dedicated resource clusters or be mixed in the same physical hosts.
- Control host sizing: The VM resource allocation for each control component should be determined in the control layer and it should be allocated accordingly.
- Desktop host sizing: This involves choosing the physical resources required for the virtual desktops as well as the hosted server deployments. It includes estimating the pCPU, pRAM, GPU, and the number of hosts.
- Hypervisors: This involves choosing from the supported hypervisors that include major players, such as Hyper-V, XenServer, and ESX. Choosing from these requires considering a vast range of parameters, such as host hardware - processor and memory, storage requirements, network requirements, scale up/out, and host scalability. Further considerations to be made also include the following:
- Networking: Networks, physical NIC, NIC teaming, virtual NICs—hosts, virtual NICs—guests, and IP addressing
- VM provisioning: Templates
- High availability:
- Microsoft Hyper-V: Failover clustering, cluster shared volumes, CSV cache
- VMware ESXi: VMware vSphere high availability cluster
- Citrix XenServer: XenServer high availability by using the server pool
- Monitoring: Use the hypervisor specific vendor provided management and monitoring tools for hypervisor monitoring; use hardware specific vendor provided monitoring tools for hardware level monitoring.
- Backup and recovery: Backup method and components to be backed up.
- Storage: Storage architecture, RAID level, numbers of disks, disk type, storage bandwidth, tiered storage, thin provisioning, and data de-duplication
- Disaster recovery
- Data center utilization: The XenDesktop deployments can leverage multiple data centers for improving the user performance and the availability of resources. Multiple data centers can be deployed in an active/active or an active/passive configuration. An active/active configuration allows for both data centers to be utilized, although the individual users are tied to a specific location.
- Data center connectivity: An active/active data center configuration utilizing GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) ensures that the users will be able to establish a connection even if one datacenter is unavailable. In the active/active configuration, the considerations that should be made are as follows: data center failover time, application servers, and StoreFront optimal routing.
- Capacity in the secondary data center: Planning of the secondary data center capacity is determined by the cost and by the management to support full capacity in each data center. A percent of the overall users, or a percent of the users per application, may be considered for the secondary data center facility. Then, it also needs the consideration of the type and amount of resources that will be made available in a failover scenario.
Tools for designing XenDesktop®
In the previous section, we saw a broad list of components, technologies, and configuration options, and so on, which we learned are involved in the process of designing the XenDesktop deployment. Obviously, designing the XenDesktop deployment for large, advanced, and complex business scenarios is a mammoth task, which requires operational knowledge of a broad range of technologies. Understanding the maze of this complexity, Citrix constantly helps the customers with great learning resources through handbooks, reviewer guides, blueprints, online eDocs, and training sessions. To ease the life of technical architects and XenDesktop designing and deployment consultants, Citrix has developed an online designing portal called Project Accelerator, which automates, streamlines, and covers all the broad aspects that are involved in the XenDesktop deployment.
Project Accelerator
Citrix designed the Project Accelerator web based designing tool, and it is available to the customers after they login. Its design is based on the Citrix consulting best practices for the XenDesktop deployment and implementation. It follows the layered FMA and allows you to create a close to deployment architecture. It covers all the key decisions and facilitates modifying them and evaluating their impact on the overall architecture. Upon completion of the design, it generates an architectural diagram and a deployment sizing plan. One can define more than one project and customize them in parallel to achieve multiple deployment plans. I highly recommended starting your Production XenDesktop deployment with the Project Accelerator architecture and the sizing design.
Virtual Desktop Handbook
Citrix provides the handbook along with new XenDesktop releases. The handbook covers the latest features of that XenDesktop version and provides detailed information on the design decisions. It provides all the possible options for each of the decisions involved, and these options are evaluated and validated in an in-depth manner by the Citrix Solutions lab. They include the Citrix Consulting leading best practices as well. This helps architects and engineers to consider the recommended technologies, and then evaluate them further for fulfilling the business requirements.
The Virtual Desktop Handbook for latest the version of XenDesktop, that is, 7.x, can be found at:
XenDesktop® Reviewer's Guide
The Reviewer's Guide is also released along with the new versions of XenDesktop. They are designed for helping businesses in quickly installing and configuring the XenDesktop for evaluation. They provide a step-by-step screencast of the installation and configuration wizards of XenDesktop. This provides practical guidance to the IT administrators for successfully installing and delivering the XenDesktop sessions.
The XenDesktop Reviewers Guide for the latest version of XenDesktop, that is, 7.6, can be found at
We learnt the decision making that is involved in designing the XenDesktop in general, and we also saw the deployment designs of the complex environments involving the cloud capabilities. We also saw different tools for designing XenDesktop.
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