WordPress Admin QuickMenu
By Christopher Ross (http://www.thisismyurl.com/)
Why it's awesome: Instant, clickable action to any of the online tools you frequently use

Manual Install URL: http://wordpres s.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-admin-quickmenu/
Automatic Install search term: WordPress Admin QuickMenu
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Top Navigation | Quick Menus
Used in: Administrator
WordPress Admin QuickMenu makes your most commonly used third party services just a click away. For example, you might want to link directly to Google Analytics, your online e-mail account, or any of those blogs you follow for inspiration.
Setting up your links
1. Visit Quick Menu | Quick Menu.
2. For each line, add a Title, the URL (hyperlink), and select which level of user can see this link (security).
3. Click on Save Changes.
4. Click on the Reload link.