- addHitCallback(object) callback / Picker architecture
- addHit function / Time for action – unique object labels
- add hit to picking list / Picker architecture
- additive blending, alpha blending mode / Additive blending
- Affine
- about / The Model-View matrix
- asynchronous loading / Asynchronous loading with AJAX
- alpha blending
- about / Alpha blending
- blending function, separate / Separate blending functions
- blend equation / Blend equation
- blend color / Blend color
- alpha blending, modes
- additive blending / Additive blending
- subtractive blending / Subtractive blending
- multiplicative blending / Multiplicative blending
- interpolative blending / Interpolative blending
- alpha channel / Using colors in WebGL
- ambient / Phong reflection model
- angle of view
- about / Field of view
- animation timer
- creating / Creating an animation timer
- application architecture
- picking / Architectural updates, Time for action – picking
- Apply Modifiers, Export OBJ panel / Exporting the Blender models
- architectural updates, WebGLApp
- about / Architectural updates
- WebGLApp review / WebGLApp review
- support, for matrix stacks / Adding support for matrix stacks
- rendering rate, configuring / Configuring the rendering rate
- animation timer, creating / Creating an animation timer
- architecture
- reviewing / Architectural review
- ARRAY_BUFFER value / WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING value / WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- aspect / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- asynchronous loading, with AJAX
- about / Asynchronous loading with AJAX
- web server, setting up / Setting up a web server
- web server requirement / Working around the web server requirement
- cone, loading with AJAX + JSON / Time for action – loading a cone with AJAX + JSON
- Nissan GTX, loading / Have a go hero – loading a Nissan GTX
- asynchronous response / Asynchronous loading with AJAX
- attachShader(Object program, Object shader), WebGL function / Creating a program
- attributeList array / Improving how we pass uniforms to the program
- attributes / Attributes, uniforms, and varyings
- associating, to VBOs / Associating attributes to VBOs
- and uniforms, differences / Parallelism and the difference between attributes and uniforms
- aVertexColor attribute / Per-vertex coloring
- aVertexPosition attribute / Homogeneous coordinates
- Axis.js / Supporting objects, Architectural review
- b-splines interpolation
- about / B-Splines, Time for action – interpolation
- Back Face Culling button / Creating transparent objects
- background color / Time for action – Goraud shading
- bilinear filtering / LINEAR
- billboard / Point sprites
- bindBuffer(ulong target, Object buffer) method / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- blend color, alpha blending / Blend color
- blend equation, alpha blending / Blend equation
- Blender / Complexity of the models
- Blender models
- exporting / Exporting the Blender models
- blending function / Blending function
- separate / Separate blending functions
- blending function, alpha blending
- about / Blending function
- bool / Types
- bottom / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- BouncingBall.update() method / Time for action – bouncing ball
- BouncingBall function / Time for action – bouncing ball
- bufferData(ulong target, Object data, ulong type) method / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- bufferData function / Time for action – rendering modes
- bufferData method / Creating WebGL buffers
- buffers, WebGL
- creating / Creating WebGL buffers
- manipulating / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers, WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- var aBuffer = createBuffer(void) method / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- deleteBuffer(Object aBuffer) method / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- bindBuffer(ulong target, Object buffer) method / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- bufferData(ulong target, Object data, ulong type) method / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- getParameter(parameter) parameter / WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- getBufferParameter(type, parameter) parameter / WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- states / Time for action – enquiring on the state of buffers
- validation, adding / Have a go hero – add one validation
- BUFFER_SIZE parameter / WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- BUFFER_USAGE parameter / WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- bvec2 / Types
- bvec3 / Types
- bvec4 / Types
- camera
- about / Structure of a WebGL application
- types / Basic camera types
- tracking / Tracking camera
- tracking camera / Tracking camera
- rotating, around location / Rotating the camera around its location
- translating, in line of sight / Translating the camera in the line of sight
- right vector / Camera model
- up vector / Camera model
- axis / Camera model
- Nissan GTX, exploring / Time for action – exploring the Nissan GTX
- light positions, updating / Have a go hero – updating light positions
- camera, types
- about / Basic camera types
- orbiting camera / Orbiting camera
- camera, WebGL properties
- setting up / Setting up the camera
- Camera.js / Architectural review
- camera axis / Camera model
- camera interactor, WebGL properties
- creating / Creating the Camera Interactor
- CameraInteractor.js / Architectural review
- CameraInteractor class / Time for action – exploring the Nissan GTX, Architectural updates
- camera matrix
- about / The Camera matrix
- camera translation / Camera translation, Time for action – exploring translations: world space versus camera space
- camera rotation / Camera rotation
- rotations, exploring / Time for action – exploring rotations: world space versus camera space
- rotations, combining / Have a go hero – combining rotations and translations
- translations, combining / Have a go hero – combining rotations and translations
- camera transform / The Camera matrix is the inverse of the Model-View matrix
- matrix multiplications, in WebGL / Thinking about matrix multiplications in WebGL
- camera position / Setting up the camera
- camera rotation
- about / Camera rotation
- exploring / Time for action – exploring rotations: world space versus camera space
- and camera translations, combining / Have a go hero – combining rotations and translations
- camera space
- versus world space / Time for action – exploring translations: world space versus camera space, Time for action – exploring rotations: world space versus camera space
- camera transform
- about / The Camera matrix is the inverse of the Model-View matrix
- camera translation
- about / Camera translation
- exploring / Time for action – exploring translations: world space versus camera space
- and camera rotation, combining / Have a go hero – combining rotations and translations
- camera variable / Setting up the camera
- canvas
- clicking on / Clicking on the canvas
- canvas.onmouseup function / Clicking on the canvas
- canvas;about / Structure of a WebGL application
- canvas element / Clicking on the canvas
- checkKey function / Time for action – setting up WebGL context attributes
- CLAMP_TO_EDGE / Creating the framebuffer
- clear function / Time for action – setting up WebGL context attributes
- client-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- clientHeight / Clicking on the canvas
- color
- using, in scene / Use of color in the scene
- colors
- using, in WebGL / Using colors in WebGL
- using, in objects / Use of color in objects
- constant coloring / Constant coloring
- pre-vertex coloring / Per-vertex coloring
- per-fragment coloring / Per-fragment coloring
- using, in lights / Use of color in lights
- storing, by creating texture / Creating a texture to store colors
- colors, using in lights
- about / Use of color in lights
- getUniformLocation function / Use of color in lights
- uniform4fv function / Use of color in lights
- compileShader function / Creating a program
- Cone First button / Time for action – creating a transparent wall
- configure, JavaScript functions / Architectural review
- configure function / Configure, Time for action – coloring the cube, Time for action – adding a white light to a scene, Time for action – using multitexturing, Rendering to an offscreen framebuffer, Time for action – unique object labels, Rendering
- updating / Time for action – adding a blue light to a scene
- configureGLHook / WebGLApp
- configureParticles / Time for action – using point sprites to create a fountain of sparks
- constant coloring
- about / Constant coloring
- and per-fragment coloring, comparing / Time for action – coloring the cube
- context
- used, for accessing WebGL API / Using the context to access the WebGL API
- context attributes, WebGL
- setting up / Time for action – setting up WebGL context attributes
- copy operation / JavaScript matrices
- cosine emission law / Lambertian reflection model
- createProgram(), WebGL function / Creating a program
- createShader function / Creating a program
- creation operation / JavaScript matrices
- cross product
- used, for calculating normals / Normals
- cube
- texturing / Time for action – texturing the cube, What just happened?
- cube maps
- about / Cube maps
- cube map-specific function / Cube maps
- using / Time for action – trying out cube maps
- c_height / Clicking on the canvas
- 3D objects / Using colors in WebGL
- 3D scene
- loading / Loading a 3D scene
- animating / Animating a 3D scene
- d, materials uniforms / Implementing the shaders
- deleteBuffer(Object aBuffer) method / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- depth buffer / Depth testing
- depth function
- about / Depth function
- gl.NEVER parameter / Depth function
- gl.LESS parameter / Depth function
- gL.LEQUAL parameter / Depth function
- gl.EQUAL parameter / Depth function
- gl.NOTEQUAL parameter / Depth function
- gl.GEQUAL parameter / Depth function
- gl.GREATER parameter / Depth function
- gl.ALWAYS parameter / Depth function
- depth information
- storing, by creating Renderbuffer / Creating a Renderbuffer to store depth information
- depth testing
- about / Depth testing
- dest / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- diffuse / Phong reflection model
- diffuseColorGenerator function / Time for action – unique object labels
- diffuse material property / Constant coloring
- directional lights
- about / More on lights: positional lights
- directional point light
- about / Time for action – directional point lights
- discard command / Transparency
- div tags / Defining what the GUI will look like
- doLagrangeInterpolation function
- about / Time for action – interpolation
- doLinearInterpolation function
- about / Time for action – interpolation
- drawArrays / Creating a WebGL application
- drawArrays function / The drawArrays and drawElements functions
- using / Using drawArrays
- drawArrays function;about / The drawArrays and drawElements functions
- drawElements / Creating a WebGL application
- drawElements function / The drawArrays and drawElements functions, Time for action – rendering modes
- about / The drawArrays and drawElements functions
- using / Using drawElements
- draw function / Animating a 3D scene
- draw function / Draw, Time for action – adding a white light to a scene, Time for action – culling, Time for action – using multitexturing, Rendering to an offscreen framebuffer, Architectural updates
- updating / Time for action – adding a blue light to a scene
- drawScene function / Time for action – rendering a square
- drawSceneHook / WebGLApp
- dropped frames / Animation strategy
- dx function / Time for action – unique object labels
- dy function / Time for action – unique object labels
- DYNAMIC_DRAW / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- E / Goraud shading with Phong reflections
- ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER value / WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING value / WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- end picking mode / Picker architecture
- about / ESSL—OpenGL ES Shading Language
- storage qualifier / Storage qualifier
- vector, components / Vector components
- operators / Operators and functions
- functions / Operators and functions
- vertex attributes / Vertex attributes
- uniforms / Uniforms
- varyings / Varyings
- vertex shader / Vertex shader
- fragment shader / Fragment shader
- programs, writing / Writing ESSL programs
- and WebGL, gap bridging / Bridging the gap between WebGL and ESSL
- ESSL programs, writing
- Lambertian reflection model, Goraud shading with / Goraud shading with Lambertian reflections
- Phong reflection model, Goraud shading with / Goraud shading with Phong reflections
- Phong shading / Phong shading, Time for action – Phong shading with Phong lighting
- Euclidian Space / Homogeneous coordinates
- exponential attenuation factor / Time for action – directional point lights
- Export OBJ panel
- Apply Modifiers / Exporting the Blender models
- Write Materials / Exporting the Blender models
- Triangulate Faces / Exporting the Blender models
- Objects as OBJ Objects / Exporting the Blender models
- Material Groups / Exporting the Blender models
- eye position / Picking
- f / Goraud shading with Phong reflections
- far / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- filter modes, texture
- about / Texture filter modes
- texels / Texture filter modes
- magnification / Texture filter modes
- minification / Texture filter modes
- setting / Texture filter modes
- using / Time for action – trying different filter modes
- LINEAR filter / LINEAR
- first-person camera / Tracking camera
- flagX variable / Time for action – unique object labels
- flagZ variable / Time for action – unique object labels
- float / Types
- Floor.js / Supporting objects, Architectural review
- fountain sparks
- creating, point sprites used / Time for action – using point sprites to create a fountain of sparks
- about / Field of view
- fovy / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- fragment shader
- about / Fragment shader
- updating / Time for action – adding a blue light to a scene
- unique labels, using / Time for action – unique object labels
- fragment shader, ESSL
- about / Fragment shader
- fragment shaders
- ray tracing / Ray tracing in fragment shaders
- framebuffer
- about / Framebuffer, Post-processing
- creating, for offscreen rendering / Creating a framebuffer for offscreen rendering
- framebuffer, post processing effect
- creating / Creating the framebuffer
- frozen frames / Simulation strategy
- frustum
- about / Projection transform
- functions, ESSL
- about / Operators and functions
- generateMipmap / Generating mipmaps
- generatePosition function / Time for action – bouncing ball
- geometry
- rendering, in WebGL / Rendering geometry in WebGL
- geometry, post processing effect
- creating / Creating the geometry
- getBufferParameter(type, parameter) parameter / WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- getGLContext function / Time for action – setting up WebGL context attributes, Time for action – rendering a square
- getParameter(parameter) parameter / WebGL as a state machine: buffer manipulation
- getParameter function / Creating a WebGL application
- getProgramParameter(Object program, Object parameter), WebGL function / Creating a program
- getShader function / Creating a program
- getUniform(program, reference), WebGL function / Initializing attributes and uniforms
- getUniformLocation function / Use of color in lights
- gl.ALWAYS parameter / Depth function
- gl.ARRAY_BUFFER option / Creating WebGL buffers
- gl.bindTexture / Using multiple textures
- gl.blendColor ( red, green, blue, alpha) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.blendEquation(mode) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.blendEquation function / Blend equation
- gl.blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB, modeAlpha) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.blendFunc (sW, dW) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.blendFuncSeparate(sW_rgb, dW_rgb, sW_a, dW_a) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER option / Creating WebGL buffers
- gl.enable|disable (gl.BLEND) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.EQUAL parameter / Depth function
- gl.GEQUAL parameter / Depth function
- gl.getParameter(pname) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.getParameter function / How many uniforms can we use?
- gl.GREATER parameter / Depth function
- gL.LEQUAL parameter / Depth function
- gl.LESS parameter / Depth function
- gl.NEVER parameter / Depth function
- gl.NOTEQUAL parameter / Depth function
- gl.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels) function / Reading pixels from the offscreen framebuffer
- gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_* targets / Cube maps
- glMatrix operations
- creation operation / JavaScript matrices
- identity operation / JavaScript matrices
- copy operation / JavaScript matrices
- transpose operation / JavaScript matrices
- inverse operation / JavaScript matrices
- rotate operation / JavaScript matrices
- Globals.js / Supporting objects, Architectural review
- glPolygonStipple function / Transparency
- void / Types
- bool / Types
- int / Types
- float / Types
- vec2 / Types
- vec3 / Types
- vec4 / Types
- bvec2 / Types
- bvec3 / Types
- bvec4 / Types
- ivec2 / Types
- ivec3 / Types
- ivec4 / Types
- mat2 / Types
- mat3 / Types
- mat4 / Types
- sampler2D / Types
- samplerCube / Types
- matrices in / Working with matrices in ESSL
- GLSL uniforms
- JavaScript, mapping / Mapping JavaScript matrices to ESSL uniforms
- gl_FragColor variable / Assigning one color per object in the scene
- gl_PointSize value / Point sprites
- Goraud interpolation method
- about / Goraud interpolation
- Goraud shading
- with Lambertian reflection model / Goraud shading with Lambertian reflections
- with Phong reflection model / Goraud shading with Phong reflections
- about / Time for action – Goraud shading
- about / Defining what the GUI will look like
- WebGL support, adding / Adding WebGL support
- hardware-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- height attribute / Understanding canvas attributes
- hitPropertyCallback(object) callback / Picker architecture
- hitProperty function / Time for action – unique object labels
- hits
- looking for / Looking for hits
- processing / Processing hits
- hits function / Time for action – unique object labels
- homogeneous coordinates / Homogeneous coordinates
- hook() / WebGLApp
- HTML5 canvas
- creating, steps for / Creating an HTML5 canvas
- CSS style, defining / Defining a CSS style for the border
- attributes / Understanding canvas attributes
- id attribute / Understanding canvas attributes
- width attribute / Understanding canvas attributes
- height attribute / Understanding canvas attributes
- not supported / What if the canvas is not supported?
- IBOs
- about / Vertices and Indices
- id attribute / Understanding canvas attributes
- identity operation / JavaScript matrices
- illum, materials uniforms / Implementing the shaders
- index parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO, Time for action – unique object labels
- indices
- about / Vertices and Indices
- initBuffers function / Time for action – rendering a square
- initLights function / Back to WebGL
- initProgram function / Time for action – rendering a square, Back to WebGL
- initProgram function / Bridging the gap between WebGL and ESSL
- initTransforms function / initTransforms, Adding support for matrix stacks
- initWebGL function / Time for action – setting up WebGL context attributes
- int / Types
- interactivity
- adding, with JQuery UI / Have a go hero – adding interactivity with JQuery UI
- interactor function / Time for action – unique object labels
- interpolation
- about / Interpolation
- linear interpolation / Linear interpolation
- polynomial interpolation / Polynomial interpolation
- B-Splines / B-Splines
- interpolation methods
- about / Shading/interpolation methods
- Goraud interpolation method / Goraud interpolation
- Phong interpolation method / Phong interpolation
- interpolative blending, alpha blending mode / Interpolative blending
- intersect function / Time for action – examining the ray traced scene
- INVALID_OPERATION / Creating WebGL buffers
- inverse of matrix
- about / The Camera matrix is the inverse of the Model-View matrix
- inverse operation / JavaScript matrices
- ivec2 / Types
- ivec3 / Types
- ivec4 / Types
- JavaScript
- mapping, to GLSL uniforms / Mapping JavaScript matrices to ESSL uniforms
- JavaScript array
- used, for defining geometry / Defining a geometry using JavaScript arrays
- JavaScript elements
- requestAnimFrame function / requestAnimFrame function
- JavaScript timers / JavaScript timers
- JavaScript matrices
- about / JavaScript matrices
- JavaScript timers
- about / JavaScript timers
- used, for implementing animation sequence / Connecting matrix stacks and JavaScript timers
- JQuery UI
- interactivity, adding with / Have a go hero – adding interactivity with JQuery UI
- JQuery UI widgets
- URL / Have a go hero – adding interactivity with JQuery UI
- about / Introduction to JSON – JavaScript Object Notation
- -based 3D models, defining / Defining JSON-based 3D models
- encoding / JSON encoding and decoding, Time for action – JSON encoding and decoding
- decoding / JSON encoding and decoding, Time for action – JSON encoding and decoding
- Khronos Group web page
- URL / System requirements
- KTM / Calculating the Normal matrix
- Lambert's emission law / Lambertian reflection model
- Lambert coefficient / Goraud shading with Lambertian reflections
- Lambertian reflection model
- Goraud shading with / Goraud shading with Lambertian reflections
- uniforms, updating / Time for action – updating uniforms in real time
- light, moving / Have a go hero – moving light
- Lambertian reflection model, light reflection models
- about / Lambertian reflection model
- left / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- life-cycle functions, WebGL
- about / Life-cycle functions
- configure function / Configure
- load function / Load
- draw function / Draw
- Light / Adding support for light objects
- light ambient term / Time for action – Goraud shading
- light color (light diffuse term) / Time for action – Goraud shading
- light diffuse term / Time for action – updating uniforms in real time
- lighting
- about / Shading methods and light reflection models
- light position / Use of color in lights
- light positions
- updating / Have a go hero – updating light positions
- light reflection models
- about / Light reflection models
- Lambertian reflection model / Lambertian reflection model
- Phong reflection model / Phong reflection model
- lights
- about / Structure of a WebGL application, Lights, Using lights, normals, and materials in the pipeline, Using colors in WebGL
- colors, using / Use of color in lights
- multiple lights, using / Using multiple lights and the scalability problem
- properties / Using multiple lights and the scalability problem
- objects, support adding for / Adding support for light objects
- Lights / Adding support for light objects
- lights, WebGL properties
- creating / Creating the lights
- Lights.js / Architectural review
- light specular term / Time for action – Goraud shading
- light uniform arrays
- uLa[NUM_LIGHTS] / Implementing the shaders
- uLd[NUM_LIGHTS] / Implementing the shaders
- uLs[NUM_LIGHTS] / Implementing the shaders
- LINEAR filter / LINEAR
- linear interpolation
- about / Linear interpolation
- LINES mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- LINE_LOOP mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- LINE_STRIP mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- linkProgram(Object program), WebGL function / Creating a program
- load, JavaScript functions / Architectural review
- loadCubemapFace / Time for action – trying out cube maps
- load function / Load, Initialization steps, Time for action – adding a blue light to a scene, Time for action – adding a white light to a scene, Loading the cars, Rendering
- loadObject function / Time for action – unique object labels
- loadSceneHook / WebGLApp
- local transformations, with matrix stacks
- about / Connecting matrix stacks and JavaScript timers
- simple animation / Time for action – simple animation, What just happened?
- dropped and frozen frames, simulating / Have a go hero – simulating dropped and frozen frames
- magnification / Texture filter modes
- mat2 / Types
- mat3 / Types
- mat4 / Types
- mat4.ortho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far, dest) function / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- mat4.perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far, dest) function / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- material ambient term / Time for action – Goraud shading
- Material Groups, Export OBJ panel / Exporting the Blender models
- materials
- about / Materials, Using lights, normals, and materials in the pipeline
- material specular term / Time for action – Goraud shading
- materials uniforms
- uKa / Implementing the shaders
- uKd / Implementing the shaders
- uKs / Implementing the shaders
- uNi / Implementing the shaders
- uNs / Implementing the shaders
- d / Implementing the shaders
- illum / Implementing the shaders
- Material Template Library (MTL) / Shader quality
- Math.random function / Time for action – unique object labels
- Matirx Stack Operations
- diagrammatic representation / Matrix stacks
- matrices
- in GLSL / Working with matrices in ESSL
- uMVMatrix / Working with matrices in ESSL
- uPMatrix / Working with matrices in ESSL
- uNMatrix / Working with matrices in ESSL
- matrix handling functions, WebGL
- initTransforms / initTransforms
- updateTransforms / updateTransforms
- setMatrixUniforms / setMatrixUniforms
- matrix multiplications
- in WebGL / Thinking about matrix multiplications in WebGL
- matrix stack
- about / Matrix stacks
- matrix stacks
- support, adding for / Adding support for matrix stacks
- connecting / Connecting matrix stacks and JavaScript timers
- used, for implementing local transformations / Connecting matrix stacks and JavaScript timers
- minification / Texture filter modes
- mipmap chain / Mipmapping
- mipmapping
- about / Mipmapping
- mipmap chain / Mipmapping
- generating / Generating mipmaps
- miss
- about / Looking for hits
- Model-View matrix
- about / WebGL implementation, The Model-View matrix, Spatial encoding of the world
- identity matrix / Spatial encoding of the world
- rotation matrix / Rotation matrix
- translation vector / Translation vector
- fourth row / The mysterious fourth row
- updating / Matrix stacks
- Model-View transform
- and projective transform, integrating / Have a go hero – integrating the Model-view and the projective transform
- model matrix
- about / Model transform
- modes
- rendering / Rendering modes, Time for action – rendering modes
- TRIANGLES mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- LINES mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- POINTS mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- LINE_LOOP mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- LINE_STRIP mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- TRIANGLE_STRIP mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- TRIANGLE_FAN mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- moveCallback(hits,interactor, dx, dy) callback / Picker architecture
- movePickedObjects function / Time for action – unique object labels
- multiple lights
- handling, uniform arrays used / Using uniform arrays to handle multiple lights
- multiplicative blending, alpha blending mode / Multiplicative blending
- multitexturing
- about / Using multiple textures
- accessing / Using multiple textures
- using / Time for action – using multitexturing
- mvMatrix / Thinking about matrix multiplications in WebGL
- about / Perspective division
- near / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- Nissan GTX
- example / Nissan GTS example
- exploring / Time for action – exploring the Nissan GTX
- Nissan GTX, asynchronous response
- loading / Have a go hero – loading a Nissan GTX
- non-homogeneous coordinates / Homogeneous coordinates
- Non Power Of Two (NPOT) texture / Generating mipmaps
- normal mapping
- about / Normal mapping
- using / Time for action – normal mapping in action
- normal matrix
- calculating / Calculating the Normal matrix
- about / Calculating the Normal matrix, WebGL implementation
- normals
- about / Normals, Using lights, normals, and materials in the pipeline
- calculating, cross product used / Normals
- calculating / Normals
- updating, for shared vertices / Normals
- normal transformations
- about / Normal transformations
- normal matrix, calculating / Calculating the Normal matrix
- normal vectors
- about / Normal transformations
- norm parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- objectLabelGenerator function / Time for action – unique object labels
- objects
- about / Structure of a WebGL application
- colors, using / Use of color in objects
- Objects as OBJ Objects, Export OBJ panel / Exporting the Blender models
- OBJ files
- parsing / Parsing the OBJ files
- OBJ format
- about / Understanding the OBJ format
- Vertex / Understanding the OBJ format
- Vertex / Texture Coordinate / Understanding the OBJ format
- Vertex / Texture Coordinate / Normal / Understanding the OBJ format
- Vertex // Normal / Understanding the OBJ format
- offscreen framebuffer
- setting up / Setting up an offscreen framebuffer
- texture, creating to store colors / Creating a texture to store colors
- Renderbuffer, creating to store depth information / Creating a Renderbuffer to store depth information
- framebuffer, creating to offscreen rendering / Creating a framebuffer for offscreen rendering
- rendering to / Rendering to an offscreen framebuffer
- pixels, reading from / Reading pixels from the offscreen framebuffer
- offscreen rendering
- framebuffer, creating / Creating a framebuffer for offscreen rendering
- offset parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- onblur event / JavaScript timers
- one color per object
- assigning, in scene / Assigning one color per object in the scene
- onfocus event / JavaScript timers
- onFrame function / Setting up the animation timer
- onload event / WebGLApp review
- onLoad event / Back to WebGL
- onmouseup event / Clicking on the canvas
- OpenGL Shading Language ES specification
- uniforms / How many uniforms can we use?
- operators, ESSL
- about / Operators and functions
- optimization strategies
- about / Optimization strategies
- batch performance, optimizing / Optimizing batch performance
- translations, performing in vertex shader / Performing translations in the vertex shader
- orbiting camera / Orbiting camera
- orthogonal projection
- about / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- parametric curves
- about / Parametric curves
- initialization steps / Initialization steps
- animation timer, setting up / Setting up the animation timer
- animation, running / Running the animation
- ball, drawing in current position / Drawing each ball in its current position
- ball, bouncing / Time for action – bouncing ball
- particle effect
- about / Point sprites
- pcolor property / Time for action – unique object labels
- per-fragment coloring
- about / Per-fragment coloring
- cube, coloring / Time for action – coloring the cube
- and constant coloring, comparing / Time for action – coloring the cube
- per-vertex coloring
- about / Per-vertex coloring
- perspective division
- about / Perspective division
- perspective matrix
- about / Projection transform, WebGL implementation, The Perspective matrix
- Field of view (FOV) / Field of view
- perspective projection / Perspective or orthogonal projection, Time for action – orthographic and perspective projections
- orthogonal projection / Time for action – orthographic and perspective projections
- projective transform and Model-View transform, integrating / Have a go hero – integrating the Model-view and the projective transform
- perspective projection
- about / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- Phong lighting
- Phong shading with / Time for action – Phong shading with Phong lighting
- Phong reflection model
- Goraud shading with / Goraud shading with Phong reflections
- about / Implementing the shaders
- Phong reflection model, light reflection models
- about / Phong reflection model
- Phong shading
- about / Phong shading, Implementing the shaders
- with Phong lighting / Time for action – Phong shading with Phong lighting
- pickedObject / Looking for hits
- Picker.js / Architectural review
- picker architecture
- about / Picker architecture
- picker searches for hit / Picker architecture
- user drags mouse in picking mode / Picker architecture
- remove hit from picking list / Picker architecture
- add hit to picking list / Picker architecture
- end picking mode / Picker architecture
- picker configuration
- for unique object labels / Time for action – unique object labels
- Picker object / Picker architecture
- picker searches for hit / Picker architecture
- picking
- about / Picking
- application architecture / Architectural updates, Time for action – picking
- Picking Image button / Time for action – picking
- pixels / Fragment shader
- reading, from offscreen framebuffer / Reading pixels from the offscreen framebuffer
- POINTS mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- POINTS primitive type / Point sprites
- point sprites
- about / Point sprites
- POINTS primitive type / Point sprites
- using, to create sparks fountain / Time for action – using point sprites to create a fountain of sparks
- polygon rasterization / Ray tracing in fragment shaders
- polygon stippling / Transparency
- polynomial interpolation
- about / Polynomial interpolation
- positional light
- about / Lights
- positional lights
- about / More on lights: positional lights
- in action / Time for action – positional lights in action
- positionGenerator function / Time for action – unique object labels
- PostProcess class / Time for action – examining the ray traced scene
- post processing effect
- about / Post-processing
- example / Post-processing
- framebuffer, creating / Creating the framebuffer
- geometry, creating / Creating the geometry
- shader, setting up / Setting up the shader
- architectural updates / Architectural updates
- testing / Time for action – testing some post-process effects
- pos_cone variable / Time for action – simple animation
- pos_sphere variable / Time for action – simple animation
- previous property / Time for action – unique object labels
- processHitsCallback(hits) callback / Picker architecture
- processHits function / Time for action – unique object labels, Have a go hero – clearing the scene
- Program.js / Supporting objects, Architectural review
- program attributes, WebGL properties
- mapping / Mapping the Program attributes and uniforms
- projection transform
- about / Projection transform
- projective Space
- about / Homogeneous coordinates
- projective transform
- and Model-View transform, integrating / Have a go hero – integrating the Model-view and the projective transform
- projective transformations / Homogeneous coordinates
- R / Goraud shading with Phong reflections
- ray casting
- about / Picking
- ray tracing
- in fragment shaders / Ray tracing in fragment shaders
- scene, examining / Time for action – examining the ray traced scene
- removeHitCallback(object) callback / Picker architecture
- remove hit from picking list / Picker architecture
- removeHit function / Time for action – unique object labels
- render, JavaScript functions / Architectural review
- Renderbuffer
- creating, to store depth information / Creating a Renderbuffer to store depth information
- renderFirst(objectName) / Time for action – creating a transparent wall
- render function / Rendering to an offscreen framebuffer, Architectural updates, Time for action – unique object labels, Rendering
- Render function / Architectural updates
- rendering
- about / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?, Rendering
- software-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- hardware-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- server-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- client-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- application, customizing / Time for action – customizing the application
- rendering order / Time for action – creating a transparent wall
- rendering pipeline
- about / Overview of WebGL's rendering pipeline
- Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) / Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs)
- vertex shader / Vertex shader
- fragment shader / Fragment shader
- framebuffer / Framebuffer
- varyings / Attributes, uniforms, and varyings
- attributes / Attributes, uniforms, and varyings
- uniforms / Attributes, uniforms, and varyings
- updating / Updated rendering pipeline
- rendering rate
- configuring / Configuring the rendering rate
- renderLast(objectName) / Time for action – creating a transparent wall
- renderLater(objectName) / Time for action – creating a transparent wall
- renderLoop function / Time for action – rendering a square
- renderOrder() / Time for action – creating a transparent wall
- renderSooner(objectName) / Time for action – creating a transparent wall
- REPEAT wrap mode / REPEAT
- requestAnimFrame function
- about / requestAnimFrame function
- resetParticle function / Time for action – using point sprites to create a fountain of sparks
- RGBA model / Using colors in WebGL
- right / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- right vector / Camera model
- rotate operation / JavaScript matrices
- rotation matrix
- about / Rotation matrix
- Runge's phenomenon
- about / Polynomial interpolation
- runWebGLApp function / Back to WebGL, WebGLApp review, Creating an animation timer, Rendering to an offscreen framebuffer
- sampler2D / Types
- sampler2D uniform / Using textures in a shader
- samplerCube / Types
- samplers / Using textures in a shader
- scalars array / Time for action – coloring the cube
- scaleX variable / Time for action – unique object labels
- scaleY variable / Time for action – unique object labels
- scene / Using colors in WebGL
- blue light, adding / Time for action – adding a blue light to a scene
- color, using / Use of color in the scene
- one color per object, assigning / Assigning one color per object in the scene
- setting up / Setting up the scene
- Scene.js / Architectural review
- scene.js / Supporting objects
- scene object / Loading the cars
- Scene object / Rendering
- sceneTime variable / Running the animation
- SceneTransform.js / Architectural review
- SceneTransforms object / Adding support for matrix stacks
- SceneTransforms object, WebGL properties / The SceneTransforms object
- server-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- setMatrixUniforms function / setMatrixUniforms, Adding support for matrix stacks
- shader
- textures, using / Using textures in a shader
- shader, post processing effect
- setting up / Setting up the shader
- shaders
- about / Implementing the shaders
- shaderSource function / Creating a program
- shading
- about / Shading methods and light reflection models
- shininess / Time for action – Goraud shading
- size parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- software-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- specular / Phong reflection model
- sphere color / Time for action – updating uniforms in real time
- sphere color (material diffuse term) / Time for action – Goraud shading
- square
- rendering / Putting everything together, Time for action – rendering a square
- getGLContext function / Time for action – rendering a square
- initProgram function / Time for action – rendering a square
- initBuffers function / Time for action – rendering a square
- renderLoop function / Time for action – rendering a square
- drawScene function / Time for action – rendering a square
- color, changing / Have a go hero – changing the square color
- square.blend / Understanding the OBJ format
- startAnimation function / Creating an animation timer, Setting up the animation timer
- STATIC_DRAW / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- storage qualifier, ESSL
- attribute / Storage qualifier
- uniform / Storage qualifier
- varying / Storage qualifier
- const / Storage qualifier
- STREAM_DRAW / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- stride parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- subtractive blending, alpha blending mode / Subtractive blending
- system requisites, WebGL
- about / System requirements
- tangent space / Normal mapping
- texels / Texture filter modes
- texImage2D call / Creating and uploading a texture
- texParameteri / Texture filter modes, Texture wrapping
- texture
- mapping / What is texture mapping?
- creating / Creating and uploading a texture
- uploading / Creating and uploading a texture
- texImage2D call / Creating and uploading a texture
- coordinates, using / Using texture coordinates
- using, in shader / Using textures in a shader
- filter modes / Texture filter modes
- mipmapping / Mipmapping
- creating, to store colors / Creating a texture to store colors
- texture, using in shader
- about / Using textures in a shader
- cube, texturing / Time for action – texturing the cube, What just happened?
- texture2D / Using textures in a shader
- texture coordinates
- using / Using texture coordinates
- texture mapping
- about / What is texture mapping?
- texture wrapping
- about / Texture wrapping
- modes / Time for action – trying different wrap modes
- TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP target / Cube maps
- TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER mode / Mipmapping
- timing strategies
- about / Timing strategies
- animation strategy / Animation strategy
- simulation strategy / Simulation strategy
- animation and simulation, combined approach / Combined approach: animation and simulation
- top / Perspective or orthogonal projection
- tracking camera
- about / Tracking camera
- camera, rotating around location / Rotating the camera around its location
- camera, translating in line of sight / Translating the camera in the line of sight
- camera model / Camera model
- Nissan GTX, exploring / Time for action – exploring the Nissan GTX
- light positions, updating / Have a go hero – updating light positions
- transforms.calculateModelView() / Time for action – simple animation
- translation vector
- about / Translation vector
- transparent objects
- creating / Creating transparent objects
- face culling / Creating transparent objects
- face culling used / Time for action – culling
- transparent wall
- creating / Time for action – creating a transparent wall
- transpose operation / JavaScript matrices
- TRIANGLES mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- TRIANGLE_FAN mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- TRIANGLE_STRIP mode / Time for action – rendering modes
- Triangulate Faces, Export OBJ panel / Exporting the Blender models
- trilinear filtering / LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
- type parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- uKa, materials uniforms / Implementing the shaders
- uKd, materials uniforms / Implementing the shaders
- uKs, materials uniforms / Implementing the shaders
- uLa[NUM_LIGHTS], light uniform arrays / Implementing the shaders
- uLd[NUM_LIGHTS], light uniform arrays / Implementing the shaders
- uLs[NUM_LIGHTS], light uniform arrays / Implementing the shaders
- uMVMatrix / Working with matrices in ESSL
- uNi, materials uniforms / Implementing the shaders
- uniform4fv function / Use of color in lights
- uniform arrays
- using, to handle multiple lights / Using uniform arrays to handle multiple lights
- declaration / Uniform array declaration
- JavaScript array mapping / JavaScript array mapping
- white light, adding to scene / Time for action – adding a white light to a scene
- light uniform arrays / Implementing the shaders
- uniformList array / Improving how we pass uniforms to the program
- uniforms / Attributes, uniforms, and varyings
- and attributes, differences / Parallelism and the difference between attributes and uniforms
- about / How many uniforms can we use?
- passing, to programs / Improving how we pass uniforms to the program
- uniforms, ESSL
- about / Uniforms
- uniforms, WebGL properties
- mapping / Mapping the Program attributes and uniforms
- initialization / Uniform initialization
- uniform[1234][fi], WebGL function / Initializing attributes and uniforms
- uniform[1234][fi]v, WebGL function / Initializing attributes and uniforms
- unique object labels
- implementing / Implementing unique object labels
- random scene, creating / Time for action – unique object labels
- using, in fragment shader / Time for action – unique object labels
- picker, configuring for / Time for action – unique object labels
- scene, testing / Time for action – unique object labels
- uNMatrix / Working with matrices in ESSL
- uNs, materials uniforms / Implementing the shaders
- unwrapping
- about / Using texture coordinates
- uOffscreen uniform / Rendering to an offscreen framebuffer
- updateLightPosition function / Have a go hero – adding interactivity with JQuery UI
- update method / Running the animation
- updateParticles function / Time for action – using point sprites to create a fountain of sparks
- updateTransforms / updateTransforms
- updateTransforms function / Time for action – orthographic and perspective projections, updateTransforms, Adding support for matrix stacks
- uPMatrix / Working with matrices in ESSL
- up vector / Camera model
- Use Lambert Coefficient button / Time for action – coloring the cube
- useProgram(Object program), WebGL function / Creating a program
- user drags mouse in picking mode / Picker architecture
- Utils.js / Supporting objects, Architectural review
- UV Mapping
- about / Using texture coordinates
- UVs
- about / Using texture coordinates
- var aBuffer = createBuffer(void) method / Operations to manipulate WebGL buffers
- variable declaration
- storage qualifier / Storage qualifier
- Var reference = getAttribLocation(Object program,String name), WebGL function / Creating a program
- var reference= getUniformLocation(Object program,String uniform), WebGL function / Creating a program
- varyings / Attributes, uniforms, and varyings
- varyings, ESSL
- about / Varyings
- VBOs
- about / Vertices and Indices, Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs)
- attributes, associating / Associating attributes to VBOs
- attribute, pointing / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- index parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- size parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- type parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- norm parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- stride parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- offset parameter / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- attribute, enabling / Enabling the attribute
- rendering / Rendering
- drawArrays function / The drawArrays and drawElements functions
- drawElements function / The drawArrays and drawElements functions
- vec2 / Types
- vec3 / Types
- vec4 / Types
- vector components, ESSL / Vector components
- vector sum
- about / Normals
- Vertex, OBJ format / Understanding the OBJ format
- Vertex // Normal, OBJ format / Understanding the OBJ format
- Vertex / Texture Coordinate, OBJ format / Understanding the OBJ format
- Vertex / Texture Coordinate / Normal, OBJ format / Understanding the OBJ format
- vertexAttribPointer / Pointing an attribute to the currently bound VBO
- vertex attributes, ESSL
- about / Vertex attributes
- Vertex Buffer object / Per-vertex coloring
- vertex shader
- about / Vertex shader
- Vertex Shader
- updating / Time for action – adding a blue light to a scene
- vertex shader, ESSL
- about / Vertex shader
- Vertex Shader attribute / Per-vertex coloring
- vertex transformations
- about / Vertex transformations, View transform
- homogeneous coordinates / Homogeneous coordinates
- model transform / Model transform
- projection transform / Projection transform
- perspective division / Perspective division
- viewport transform / Viewport transform
- vertices
- about / Vertices and Indices
- vertices array / Time for action – coloring the cube
- vFinalColor variable / Types
- vFinalColor[3] / Vector components
- view matrix
- about / View transform
- viewport coordinates
- about / Viewport transform
- viewport function
- about / Viewport transform
- viewport transform
- about / Viewport transform
- Virtual Car Showroom application
- about / Virtual car showroom
- finished scene, visualizing / Time for action – visualizing a finished scene, What just happened?
- creating / Virtual Car Showroom application
- models, complexity / Complexity of the models
- shader quality / Shader quality
- network delays / Network delays and bandwidth consumption
- bandwidth consumption / Network delays and bandwidth consumption
- cars, loading in WebGl scene / Load cars into our WebGL scene
- application, customizing / Time for action – customizing the application
- void / Types
- wall
- working on / Time for action – working on the wall
- Wall First button / Time for action – creating a transparent wall
- Wavefront OBJ / Loading the cars
- WebGL
- system requisites / System requirements
- rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- software-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- hardware-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- server-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- client-based rendering / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- advantages / What kind of rendering does WebGL offer?
- context attributes, setting up / Time for action – setting up WebGL context attributes
- geometry, rendering / Rendering geometry in WebGL
- geometry defining, JavaScript arrays used / Defining a geometry using JavaScript arrays
- buffers, creating / Creating WebGL buffers
- application, architecture / Back to WebGL
- program, creating / Creating a program
- attributes, initializing / Initializing attributes and uniforms
- uniforms, initializing / Initializing attributes and uniforms
- and ESSL, gap bridging / Bridging the gap between WebGL and ESSL
- matrix multiplications / Thinking about matrix multiplications in WebGL
- colors, using / Using colors in WebGL
- WebGL, implementation
- about / WebGL implementation
- Model-View matrix / WebGL implementation
- Normal matrix / WebGL implementation
- Perspective matrix / WebGL implementation
- JavaScript matrices / JavaScript matrices
- JavaScript matrices, mapping to GLSL uniforms / Mapping JavaScript matrices to ESSL uniforms
- matrices, in GLSL / Working with matrices in ESSL
- WebGL 3D scenes
- objects / Using colors in WebGL
- lights / Using colors in WebGL
- scene / Using colors in WebGL
- WebGL alpha blending API
- about / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.enable|disable (gl.BLEND) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.blendFunc (sW, dW) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.blendFuncSeparate(sW_rgb, dW_rgb, sW_a, dW_a) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.blendEquation(mode) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB, modeAlpha) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.blendColor ( red, green, blue, alpha) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- gl.getParameter(pname) function / WebGL alpha blending API
- accessing, context used / Using the context to access the WebGL API
- WebGLApp.js / Supporting objects, Architectural review
- / Configuring the rendering rate
- WebGLApp class
- about / JavaScript timers
- WebGL application
- structure / Structure of a WebGL application
- creating / Creating a WebGL application
- Virtual Car Showroom application / Virtual Car Showroom application
- WebGL application, structure
- about / Structure of a WebGL application
- canvas / Structure of a WebGL application
- objects / Structure of a WebGL application
- lights / Structure of a WebGL application
- camera / Structure of a WebGL application
- WebGLApp object
- about / WebGLApp review
- WEBGLAPP_RENDER_RATE / Configuring the rendering rate
- WebGL context
- about / Accessing a WebGL context
- accessing, steps for / Time for action – accessing the WebGL context
- WebGL examples, structure
- about / Structure of the WebGL examples
- objects supported / Supporting objects
- life-cycle functions / Life-cycle functions
- matrix handling functions / Matrix handling functions
- WebGL function
- createProgram() / Creating a program
- attachShader(Object program, Object shader) / Creating a program
- linkProgram(Object program) / Creating a program
- getProgramParameter(Object program, Object parameter) / Creating a program
- useProgram(Object program) / Creating a program
- Var reference = getAttribLocation(Object program,String name) / Creating a program
- var reference= getUniformLocation(Object program,String uniform) / Creating a program
- uniform[1234][fi] / Initializing attributes and uniforms
- uniform[1234][fi]v / Initializing attributes and uniforms
- getUniform(program, reference) / Initializing attributes and uniforms
- WebGL index buffer
- about / Vertices and Indices
- WebGL properties
- configuring / Configuring some WebGL properties
- camera, setting up / Setting up the camera
- camera interactor, creating / Creating the Camera Interactor
- SceneTransforms object / The SceneTransforms object
- lights, creating / Creating the lights
- program attributes, mapping / Mapping the Program attributes and uniforms
- uniforms, mapping / Mapping the Program attributes and uniforms
- uniform initialization / Uniform initialization
- WebGL vertex buffer / Vertices and Indices
- web server, asynchronous response
- setting up / Setting up a web server
- web server requirement, asynchronous response / Working around the web server requirement
- Web Workers
- about / Web Workers: Real multithreading in JavaScript
- URL / Web Workers: Real multithreading in JavaScript
- width attribute / Understanding canvas attributes
- window.requestAnimFrame() function
- about / requestAnimFrame function
- world space
- versus camera space / Time for action – exploring translations: world space versus camera space, Time for action – exploring rotations: world space versus camera space
- Write Materials, Export OBJ panel / Exporting the Blender models