UE and C++
UE was designed specifically with C++ development in mind. In the history of UE, you traditionally only had access to UnrealScript
; unless you paid a great deal of money to become an UE developer. UnrealScript
is a scripting language developed by the Engine team to allow you to create high-level content that would interface with the Engine. The purpose of this script was to provide a layer of abstraction between the developer and engine. You could say that Blueprint has largely replaced UnrealScript
as the primary scripting tool for UE. UE4 is unique in that it provides immediate and direct access to C++ source and development to all users.
The engine itself was written in C++ and to get access to this source all you need to do is sign up to GitHub and register your GitHub login with your Unreal developer account. Through GitHub you will then be able to download and compile the latest version of the engine source. This design of made with and for C++ means that C++ should be your...