We did quite a lot in this chapter.
We learned how to set up and refine a navigation mesh in our scene and how to find and fix collision problems with objects in our scene. We learned how to set up input actions and use them to move our player character around, and perhaps most importantly, we learned Kent Beck's mantra for software development: Make it work, make it right, make it fast, and learned what it means to follow it as we pursue iterative development. We're going to revisit this a lot. It's a secret to effective software development.
That was a lot of work. The exercises in this chapter covered a lot of ground, but should have left you with a decent sense of how the parts fit together when setting up a player pawn and a locomotion system.
Now that we've given our pawn feet, in the next chapter, we're going to give it hands. We'll learn how to use motion controllers to point, grip, and interact with objects in the world. We'll also build on what we've learned about setting...