Creating five walk variations from two walk cycles
As well as correcting motion sequences to get them to fit different characters, Avatar Body Masks can be used to add variety to multiple characters that use the same initial model.
In Chapter 4, Working with Motion Capture Data, we created two unique walk cycles from a single motion capture sequence. In the next step we will further vary these by masking the head, arms, and legs from each sequence:
- In the Unity project, open the scene
.The scene is the same simple room interior, but this time containing five identical male zombies.
Currently each of the zombie characters shares the same animator controller. It is set up to play the same walk sequence after idling for a short time.
- In the top-center of the Unity interface, press the Play button to preview the walk animation:
As the zombie characters all begin walking at the same time, the uniformity of their animation sequence is quite obvious.
Mecanim's animation masking tools...