Unity typically brings out a new version of their software every 2 weeks. You might expect this to cause problems with keeping up to date with the latest version for the exam. To date, Unity doesn't update their exams annually, so the exam and our project relate to Unity 2017.3. Unity will always keep updating and introducing new components and features with their future releases, but the prime fundamentals should remain the same.
This book is designed for users who have been using Unity for at least 2 years, so I'll assume you at least havea free account with them and a copy of Unity installed. If not, here is the license activation guide from their 2017.3 documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/2017.3/Documentation/Manual/LicensesAndActivation.html
Once you have created a free account, you can now download the Unity Hub. This will hold a reference to the version of Unity you have installed and also our projects.