The term HUD originates from its use in an aircraft, where a pilot is able to view information while looking forward rather down at their instrument panels. In Unity, a HUD may be implemented as a canvas-based UI floating in your field of view, overlaying the gameplay scene. Typically a HUD is more about displaying information than providing interactable buttons or controls. In this section, we'll test two different variations of HUDs—what I characterize as visor HUD and windshield HUD. We'll start with the visor HUD and then add a little script that gracefully hides the panel with a fadeout when we want it to disappear.
Creating a visor HUD
For a visor HUD, the UI canvas is attached to the camera object in the scene, so when you move your head, the canvas doesn't appear to respond to your head movement. Rather, it seems to bestuck to your face (haha)! For a nicer way to describe it, suppose you're wearing a helmet...