Extracting individual values using the Anchor Base activity
We were able to build a reliable selector for the document because the word "invoice" was always there in the document. However, if you look at the values, such as Subtotal, Credit, and Grand total, they only contain a number that could eventually change. The selector extracted for the Subtotal field is shown in Figure 11.16:
Figure 11.16 – The selector for the SubTotal field
As you can see in the sample selector, it does not contain a field that we can rely on to locate the correct field. We have an easy workaround to address such scenarios. We can use an Anchor Base activity to find an anchor (that is, an additional field that we can rely on) to extract the respective value. The Anchor Base activity consists of two sections; the Anchor section and the Value section:
- The Anchor section is dedicated to looking for a suitable UI element with a reliable selector next to the...