Pixels in Images
By now, we know that images are made up of pixels. Pixels can be thought of as very small, square-like structures that, when joined, result in an image. They serve as the smallest building blocks of any image. Let's take an example of an image. The following image is made up of millions of pixels that are different colors:
Figure 1.3: An image of a lion and a girl
Image source: https://www.pxfuel.com/en/free-photo-olgbr.
Let's see what pixels look like up close. What happens when we keep on zooming in on the girl's eye in the image? After a certain point, we will end up with something like the following:
Figure 1.4: Highly zoomed-in version of the image shown in Figure 1.3
If you look carefully at the preceding image, you will be able to see some squares in the image. These are known as pixels. A pixel does not have a standard size; it differs from device to device. We frequently use the term...