42.5 Supported Intents
In order to work with Siri, an extension must specify the intent types it is able to support. These declarations are made in the Info.plist files of the extension folders. Within the Project Navigator panel, select the Info.plist file located in the SiriDemoIntent folder and unfold the NSExtension -> NSExtensionAttributes section. This will show that the IntentsSupported key has been assigned an array of intent class names:
Figure 42-5
Note that entries are available for intents that are supported and intents that are supported but restricted when the lock screen is enabled. It might be wise, for example, for a payment based intent to be restricted when the screen is locked. As currently configured, the extension supports all of the messaging intent types without restrictions. To support a different domain, change these intents or add additional intents accordingly. For example, a photo search extension might only need to specify INSearchForPhotosIntent...