In this section, we'll dive deeper into the use of roll-up summary fields. Let's summarize what we already know about them:
- A roll-up summary field is a type of field only available on a master-detail relationship's parent object.
- It is used to perform a calculation based upon a numeric value of child records.
- A roll-up summary field will grab information from related child object records and perform some calculation with them. Possible calculations are COUNT, SUM, MIN, and MAX.
- It is recalculated whenever you insert, update, or delete one or more of the children, whenever a detailed record is saved to the database.
- You can create up to 25 RUS on a per object basis. This can be increased exceptionally, by submitting a case at Salesforce support, to a maximum of 40. 40 RUS on one object is the hard limit at the time of writing!
- While a normal...