Internal mode
We can run ReSharper in a special mode called the Internal mode (sometimes called god mode). This mode provides you with access to some tools and commands that are very useful when you are creating plugins.
In the Internal mode, two new options are available.
The first provides new entries in the Options window. These entries are as follows:
Tools | SolBuilderDuo: This allows you to change the settings related to building plugins
Internal: This allows you to change the settings related to exceptions, logging, and the tracking activity
Internal UI Options: This allows to you change UI-related settings
The second one is a new option, Internal, in the ReSharper menu as presented in the following screenshot:

In this menu, you can find a lot of useful options. The most useful are as follows:
PSI Browser: This can be found by navigating to Internal | Windows
PSI Module Browser: This can be found by navigating to Internal | Windows
PSI Viewer: This is available directly in the Internal...