Preparing the environment
To get started with this chapter, we need to set up several things on our local machine, one of these being Node.js.
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, which comes bundled with a package manager called NPM. NPM is the world's largest software registry, and open source developers use NPM to share and borrow packages from each other.
The installation process for Node.js depends on your machine, so you can check the Node.js official website for official guidance:
Once you have installed Node.js, we should be able to open a terminal and install Yarn. Yarn is an alternative to NPM, which is faster in several situations because it caches every package it downloads so that it never needs to do it again.
To install Yarn, just open a new terminal tab and run the following command:
npm install -g yarn
To check that the command ran correctly, run this command on the terminal...