Modifying the R2D2
There are several R2D2 toys that can provide the basis for this project. They are available from online retailers. This project will use one that is inexpensive but also provides such interesting features as a top that turns and a wonderful place to put a webcam. It is the Imperial Toy R2D2 bubble machine. Here is a picture of the unit:

The unit can be purchased at websites such as Amazon, Toys R Us, and a number of other e-retailers. It is normally used as a bubble machine that uses a canister of soap to produce bubbles, but you'll take all of that capability out to make your R2D2 much more like the original robot.
Adding wheels and motors
In order to make your R2D2 a reality, the first thing you'll want to do is add wheels to the robot. In order to do this, you'll need to take the robot apart, separating the two main plastic pieces that make up the lower body of the robot. Once you have done this, both the right and left arms can be removed from the body. You'll need...