What this book covers
Chapter 1, Setting Up Amazon Braket, gives you the basic information to get started with Amazon Braket and get familiar with the components on the platform that you will be interacting with and using.
Chapter 2, Braket Devices Explained, goes beyond just listing the devices that are available. You will be introduced to the architecture and use of the quantum computing systems that are available in the Amazon Braket service.
Chapter 3, User Setup, Tasks, and Understanding Device Costs, is more applicable for the system administrator, or the root user. However, you will also get an understanding of what is available and will be able to have informed conversations with the systems administrator.
Chapter 4, Writing Your First Amazon Braket Code Sample, gets you started with some basic code in Amazon Braket that determines information about the quantum devices or simulators and explains how to use them through code and determine some of their properties and costs.
Chapter 5, Using a Quantum Annealer – Developing a QUBO Function and Applying Constraints, covers quantum annealing and how the D-Wave quantum annealer works. This method is quite different from gate quantum computers, and this chapter will introduce you to the basic structure in which information is prepared to send to the D-Wave quantum annealer.
Chapter 6, Using Gate-Based Quantum Computers – Qubits and Quantum Circuits, starts with a simple introduction of the Qubit and the matrix representation of quantum gates and goes over simple quantum circuits using Amazon Braket code. In all cases, attempts are made to show the process of scaling a circuit to utilize Amazon Braket quantum devices and simulators.
Chapter 7, Using Gate Quantum Computers – Basic Quantum Algorithms, goes over the concept of an Oracle in a quantum circuit and introduce a few basic quantum algorithms, including Amplitude Amplification. The concept of a phase adder is introduced leading to the detailed development of the Quantum Fourier Transform circuit.
Chapter 8, Using Hybrid Algorithms – Optimization Using Gate-Based Quantum Computers, develops the binary quadratic function using a phase adder and introduces the concept of amplifying the probability of finding the minimum value through the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm. The fine-tuning of parameters and the implementation of the algorithm are shown in detail.
Chapter 9, Running QAOA on Simulators and Amazon Braket Devices, explores advanced considerations in the implementation of QAOA and the evaluation of the performance of this algorithm on various Amazon Braket devices.
Chapter 10, Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs, PennyLane, and Other Braket Features, explains how to set up a more efficient hybrid algorithm through the implementation of QAOA using Amazon Hybrid Jobs. The chapter briefly introduces the integration of PennyLane and other features in Amazon Braket.
Chapter 11, Single Objective Optimization Use Case, covers an example of implementing the knapsack problem on both quantum annealing and gate-based quantum computers through mapping this real-world use case into a binary quadratic model.
Chapter 12, Multi-Objective Optimization Use Case, shows you how to find solutions to real-world use cases that have conflicting objectives using the D-Wave quantum annealer.
Appendix – Knapsack BQM Derivation, contains a detailed derivation of converting the knapsack problem into an equivalent quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem. This is a critical technique for using quantum computers for real-world optimization problems.