Going further – local MBTiles hosting with TileStream
While Mapbox hosting is very appealing for its relative ease, you may wish to host your own MBTiles, for example, to minimize cost. TileStream is the open source foundation of Mapbox's hosting service. It runs under Node.js.
While TileStream can technically be installed under Windows with a Node.js install, some dependencies may fail to be installed. It is recommended that you perform the following install in a Linux environment. If you are already running Linux on your organization's server, that's great! You can skip ahead to installing Node.js and TileStream. Fortunately, with Virtual Box and Vagrant, it is possible to set up a Linux virtual machine on your Windows system.
Setting up a Vagrant virtual Linux instance
Install Virtual Box. You can download Virtual Box from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads.
Install Vagrant. You can download Vagrant from https://www.vagrantup.com/.
Create a new directory for your Vagrant instance (for...