Main idea – the Prezi machine
Let's explain the main idea and create our story.
Engage thrusters
The Prezi machine is fantastic! You can put all kinds of information in it and if you use the machine the right way, a great presentation comes out, as shown in the following diagram:

The question we want to answer in our presentation is What makes a great prezi?
Our story is as follows:
So… What makes a great prezi?
Every prezi starts with a great idea.
Put everything that pops up in your mind on the canvas.
Do it with love and passion (because if you present a subject you don't like, it will fail immediately).
Transform your brainstorm in a mind map and develop structure in your content.
Then you'll need the Prezi machine. Make what's important big and the details small. Create groups of pieces of information that belong to each other.
Get rid of the rubbish. That means: if a piece of information is not really important, leave it out. Remember: too much text will kill your presentation and bullets won...