Congratulations – you have now finished the book! By this point in the book, you should have a good grasp of ST, which is something that typical PLC programmers lack. You should also have a quality grasp of computer science topics in general. This book has also introduced you to new and rarely considered concepts in PLC programming, such as generative AI (GenAI) and security respectively.
The main takeaway from this book is that PLC programming is way more than just basic Ladder Logic. Though Ladder Logic can get you through the day in some jobs, your flexibility to meet new and ever-increasing challenges that PLC programmers are either facing or will face soon will require you to understand not only Structured Text but also how to write safe, efficient, and malleable code. In all, this book has been an introduction to those concepts. However, modern PLC programming has much more to offer, such as the very rich world of object-oriented programming (OOP). Therefore...