General layout of Pentaho User Console
In the following section, we will see the general layout of PUC and familiarize ourselves with the console.
In the upper part of the page, we have the classic options menu as shown in the following screenshot:

A little farther down, on the left-hand side, we find the perspective selector as shown in the following screenshot:

As you can see, the current perspective is Home; but, we can change the perspective by clicking on the selector as shown in the following screenshot:

The Home perspective
In the Home perspective on the lower left, the following options are available:
Browse Files: This is used to navigate through our solutions folders and subfolders.
Create New: This is used to create analyses and reports.
Manage Data Sources: This is used to create and edit data sources.
Documentation: This is used to access Pentaho documentation.
In the lower-right corner, we have the following three panels:
Welcome: This panel contains Pentaho examples and tutorials...