Page items
At the time of writing this book, the current APEX version is 3.2, and it includes 15 built-in types of page items. Almost all of them include various implementation options, which mostly pertain to saving session state, data display and format, submitting action, etc. This variety of items and options gives us a lot of flexibility, allowing us to make an optimal choice for the item type we are going to use, and the best way to display its content.
Page items are rendered on the application page. As such, the APEX engine (the SHOW
process) translates each of them into HTML code, using the attributes we supply as part of the item definition process. The following sections will include a description of some of the attributes that are available to us while defining an APEX item.
The Name section
The Name section includes a Name field, which is mandatory (marked with a red asterisk), and a Display As field:

The Name field
The APEX naming convention for a page item recommends us...