Time for action – creating a default domain for integrated server
For any WebLogic server, it is essential to create a domain in which all the server instances will be running. A domain defines the configuration for a single server instance that may have managed servers on the same or other remote machines. The following are the steps for creating a default domain for the integrated server:
Select the Start Server Instance (IntegratedWeblogicServer) option from the Run menu. Now the Create Domain dialog will be displayed to the user.
Provide the Password value as
and repeat the same for the Confirm Password textbox as shown in the following screenshot. Leave other options as they are.Click on the OK button to see the following message in the Console - Log window:
[Waiting for the domain to finish building...]
[10:17:29 AM] Creating Integrated Weblogic domain...
[10:18:40 AM] Extending Integrated Weblogic domain...
Wait until you get the following message to confirm that the server...