- activity arrangement
- about / Arranging activities
- crossword, converting to Moodle / Time for action – converting a crossword to Moodle, What just happened?
- advantages / What just happened?
- Add a new course button / Do you need to create your course yourself
- Add a new outcome button / Time for action – creating a custom grade item in the grader report
- Add a new role button / Allowing teachers access to questions outside of their courses
- Add a new scale button / Time for action – creating a custom grade scale
- Add button / Time for action – create groupings
- Add category button / Time for action – configuring the gradebook
- Add contact icon / What just happened?
- Add outcome item button / Have a go hero – including custom outcomes
- Add to quiz button / Time for action – adding a quiz to the course
- admin guidance
- about / Ask the admin
- teacher access, allowing / Allowing teachers access to questions outside of their courses
- Glossary auto-linking, configuring / Configuring glossary auto-linking, Configuring completion tracking
- complete tracking, configuring / Configuring completion tracking
- conditional activities, configuring / Configuring conditional activities
- Adobe PDF / Microsoft Word
- Advanced link / Time for action – adding a contact
- Advanced uploading of files options box / Time for action – adding an Advanced uploading of files assignment
- All logs tab / Monitoring student participation
- assignments
- types, offline activity / Converting projects and assignments
- types, online text / Converting projects and assignments
- types, Upload a single file / Converting projects and assignments
- types, Advanced uploading of files / Converting projects and assignments
- online structuring, of projects / Structuring converted projects and assignments online
- types, selecting / Which assignment type
- student, introducing to course / Introducing a student on your course
- from students point of view / How assignments look to a student
- marking / Marking assignments
- offline assignments, marking / Marking Offline assignments, Time for action – marking an Offline assignment
- student submissions, handling / Handling student submissions
- student submission feedback, providing / Time for action – providing feedback on student submissions, What just happened?
- feedback delivery, confirming / Confirming that our feedback has been received
- student submissions, marking / Marking student submissions
- custom grades, specifying / Specifying custom grades, Time for action – creating a custom grade scale, What just happened?
- custom grade scale, creating / Time for action – creating a custom grade scale, What just happened?
- custom scale, grading / Time for action – grading using a custom scale, What just happened?
- assignments, from students point of view
- about / How assignments look to a student
- project file, uploading / Taking the Student's point of view – Uploading a project file, Time for action – uploading a file to an assignment, What just happened?
- Assign roles drop-down / Time for action – enrolling a student on your course
- Assign role setting / Have a go hero – enrolling teachers with a password
- audio
- including, ways / Playing audio
- file format, choosing / Choosing an audio file format
- clip, embedding / Time for action – embedding an audio clip
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting audio—what if Moodle doesn't embed a player
- embedding, from audio sharing website / Embedding audio from an audio sharing website
- podcast, starting / Have a go hero – start a podcast
- audio sharing website
- features / Embedding audio from an audio sharing website
- audio, embedding from / Embedding audio from an audio sharing website
- Back to groupings button / Time for action – create groupings
- blended learning, with Moodle
- need for / Why blended learning
- Block contact icon / What just happened?
- Browse button / Have a go hero
- Browse button / Time for action – including a video on your course front page
- built-in question editors, Moodle
- using / Using Moodle's built-in question editors
- questions, adding to question bank / Time for action – adding a question to the question bank
- questions, naming / Time for action – adding a question to the question bank
- Calendar block / Blocks
- capabilities, Moodle
- administrator / Capabilities
- manager / Capabilities
- course creator / Capabilities
- teacher / Capabilities
- non-editingteacher / Capabilities
- student / Capabilities
- Change password link / Changing your password
- choice activity
- adding / Time for action – adding a choice activity, What just happened?
- Choose a link... button / Time for action – creating links to websites on the course main page
- Click here to enter the chat now link / What just happened?
- communication, Moodle
- ways / Communicating in Moodle
- real-time, synchronous chat / Communicating in Moodle
- forums / Communicating in Moodle, Forums
- messaging / Communicating in Moodle
- completion tracking
- about / A learning journey, Completion tracking
- sections / Completion tracking
- enabling, on activity / Time for action – enabling completion tracking on an activity, What just happened?
- automatic activity completion / Automatic activity completion
- course completion / More on course completion
- Compress Pictures dialog / Time for action – compressing images
- conditional activities
- about / A learning journey, Conditional activities
- configuring / Time for action – configuring conditional activities, What just happened?
- content page, adding
- content table, adding / Time for action – adding a content table, What just happened?
- course
- student enrollment / Let in the rabble: Enrolling students on your course
- forum, adding / Adding a forum to your course, Time for action – adding a forum , What just happened?
- chat room, adding / Adding a chat room to your course, Time for action – adding a Moodle chat
- about / Introducing your course
- labels, using / Pop quiz – using labels
- multimedia sharing services, using / Using multimedia sharing services
- backing up / Backup and Restore
- restoring / Restoring a course
- activities, copying one to another / What just happened?
- course, in Moodle
- creating, need for / Do you need to create your course yourself
- recreated courses, dealing with / What to do if your course has been created for you
- Navigation block / What to do if your course has been created for you
- manager / Pop quiz
- course creator / Pop quiz
- configuring / Configuring your course
- Backyard Ballistics course, configuring / Time for action – configuring the Backyard Ballistics course, What just happened?
- creating, points / What just happened?
- effective description for summary, selecting / Choosing an effective description for the course summary
- Editor, using / Using the editor
- Moodle settings / Getting help on Moodle settings
- Moodle Docs for this Page / Further documentation
- Course settings screen / Getting back to the Course settings screen
- structure / Course structure and format
- course, organization, in Moodle
- categories / How Moodle organizes its courses
- subcategories / How Moodle organizes its courses
- working / How Moodle organizes its courses
- course, restoring
- steps / Restoring a course, Time for action – restore a course, What just happened?
- course, structuring
- course settings, modifying / Structuring your course – Modifying the course settings, Time for action – new course quick configuration
- course backup
- steps / Time for action – backing up your course
- restoring / Backing up your course, Time for action – back up your course, What just happened?
- Course default settings / Configuring completion tracking
- Course settings block / Getting back to the Course settings screen
- Course settings screen / Getting back to the Course settings screen
- course structure
- weekly formats / Course structure and format
- topic formats / Course structure and format
- SCORM / Course structure and format
- social format / Course structure and format
- breaking, by resource type / Breaking your course up into topics
- breaking, by true topic / Breaking your course up into topics
- introduction section / Introducing a course: Summary of General
- topics / weeks settings / More settings for topics/weeks
- Create page button / Creating a new page
- decorative images
- image, grabbing from word document / Time for action – grabbing an image from a Word document
- decorative images search
- Google image search / Google image search
- Flickr / Flickr
- general clip art libraries / General clip art libraries
- Microsoft Office clip art library / Microsoft Office clip art library
- copyright issue / Copyright caution
- Delete key / What just happened?
- documents, creating
- Microsoft Word, using / Documents and handouts: Which format
- images / Images
- Moodle web page / Becoming a cut and paste fiend with a Moodle "page"
- web page, creating / Time for action – creating a web page, What just happened?
- Download link / Time for action – backing up your course, Time for action – back up your course
- Dropbox
- URL / Repositories
- Edit assessment form / What just happened?
- Edit group settings button / Time for action – specifying a group enrollment key
- Edit profile page / Time for action – editing your profile
- Edit tab / Time for action – adding a new wiki page
- Enable completion tracking option / Configuring completion tracking
- End of lesson option / Time for action – configuring page jumps
- Enrol button / Teachers enroll students manually
- Enrolled users page / Let in the rabble: Enrolling students on your course, Allowing guest access
- file organization
- about / Organizing your files
- Handouts folder, creating / Time for action – creating a "Handouts" folder, What just happened?, Time for action – putting files where we want them, What just happened?
- Create folder button / Time for action – creating a "Handouts" folder
- files, moving to desired location / Time for action – putting files where we want them
- files
- uploading / Uploading files
- size, determining / How big is your file
- multiple documents, uploading / Uploading lots of documents in one go
- removing / Removing files, Time for action – removing files, What just happened?
- organizing / Organizing your files, Time for action – creating a "Handouts" folder
- file upload
- about / Uploading files
- in Moodle / Uploading files
- steps / Time for action – uploading a file
- file size, determining / How big is your file
- multiple documents, uploading simultaneously / Uploading lots of documents in one go, Time for action – packing files together, What just happened?
- files, removing / Removing files
- Find or upload an image button / Time for action – uploading an image and including it in a summary
- FindSounds / Embedding audio from an audio sharing website
- Flickr
- URL / Repositories
- formats, course structure
- about / Course structure and format
- weekly / Course structure and format
- topics / Course structure and format
- SCORM / Course structure and format
- social format / Course structure and format
- choosing / Which format should we use: Weekly or topic format
- topics, differences / Which format should we use: Weekly or topic format
- weekly, differences / Which format should we use: Weekly or topic format
- topic, features / Which format should we use: Weekly or topic format
- weekly, features / Which format should we use: Weekly or topic format
- timely, changing to weekly / Pop quiz
- setting up / Setting the format for your course, Time for action – setting up the course format, What just happened?
- week / topic, defining / Time for action – defining each week/topic, What just happened
- forums
- about / Forums
- adding, to course / Adding a forum to your course, Time for action – adding a forum , What just happened?
- users, subscribing / Subscribing to forums, Time for action – subscribing users to a forum
- moderating / Moderating a forum
- types / Types of forum
- tips and tricks / Forum tips and tricks
- school leavers book, creating / Have a go hero – creating a school leavers book
- news forum / The News forum is not really a forum
- forums, moderating
- tasks / Moderating a forum
- discussion, starting / Getting a discussion started, Time for action – starting a discussion, What just happened?
- discussion, managing / Keeping discussions focused – Managing the discussion
- posts, rating / Coping with the rude and unruly, Time for action – rating forum posts, What just happened?
- simple discussions, creating / Ensuring discussions are easy to follow
- discussions, splitting / Time for action – splitting a discussion, What just happened?
- full conversion of online courses
- about / Converting to fully online courses
- student group, managing / Managing groups of students
- student progress, checking / Checking student progress
- student participation, monitoring / Monitoring student participation
- Moodle gradebook, using / Using the Moodle gradebook
- glossary
- converting, to Moodle / Glossary activity
- uses, example / Glossary activity
- adding / Adding a glossary
- main glossary / Adding a glossary
- secondary glossary / Adding a glossary
- including / Time for action – including a glossary
- enteries, adding / Time for action – adding a glossary entry, What just happened?
- auto-linking / Glossary auto-linking
- block, adding / Glossary block
- Rate entries capability / Have a go hero – allowing students to rate entries
- glossary conversion to Moodle
- steps / Adding a glossary, Time for action – including a glossary, Time for action – adding a glossary entry, What just happened?
- Go to calendar... link / What just happened?
- Go to messages link / Are you getting the message
- Grader report page / Time for action – creating a custom grade scale
- Grade tab / Monitoring student participation
- Groupcall Xporter / Automatic enrollment from your school's Management Information System (MIS)
- Grouping settings / Time for action – create groupings
- Group mode settings
- no groups option / Time for action – group work in a forum
- separate option / Time for action – group work in a forum
- visible groups option / Time for action – group work in a forum
- Groups link / Time for action – creating student groups
- Guest access options / Allowing guest access
- Hidden sections option / More settings for topics/weeks
- history, Moodle
- origin / Origins
- History tab / What just happened?
- HTML block, using
- welcome message, adding / Time for action – adding a welcome message, What just happened?
- ideas, using / Have a go hero – doing more with HTML blocks, Backing up your course
- HTML Editor, tips
- smilies / Smilies
- imaginary dialog, creating / Creating imaginary dialog
- arrangement structure / Arranging your HTML, Time for action – displaying things side by side, What just happened?
- talking character, adding / Getting animated: Add a talking character
- HTML block, using / HTML blocks: A bit on the side
- Huffduffer / Have a go hero – start a podcast
- image
- uploading / Time for action – uploading an image and including it in a summary, What just happened?
- using / Have a go hero – having fun with images
- as-is, uploading / Uploading as-is
- PowerPoint, preparing for Moodle / Preparing your PowerPoint for Moodle, Time for action – compressing images
- documents, converting into / Converting into documents
- converting into / Converting into images
- web pages, converting into / Converting into web pages
- messy code, cleaning up / Cleanup messy code
- large documents, converting to Wiki / Turning large documents into a wiki
- hidden topic, adding / Time for action – adding a hidden topic
- Wiki, adding / Time for action – adding a wiki, What just happened?
- wiki Contents page, creating / Time for action – creating a wiki contents page, What just happened?
- new wiki page, adding / Time for action – adding a new wiki page, What just happened?, Pop quiz
- Insert/edit link button / What just happened?
- Insert Smiley button / Smilies
- Insert Table button / Time for action – displaying things side by side
- job
- Moodle / Doing your job – Your role
- key skills, Moodle course
- developing / Have a go hero – developing key skills
- lesson, including in course
- about / Including a lesson in your course
- configuring / Time for action – configuring a lesson
- content page, adding / Adding a content page – A web page with buttons at the bottom, Time for action – adding a content table
- question Page, adding / Adding a question page, Time for action – inserting a question page
- lesson pages, linking / Putting it all together – Linking lesson pages, Time for action – configuring page jumps, What just happened?
- lesson activity
- lessons, structuring / Structuring Moodle lessons
- lesson, including / Why include a lesson
- classroom-based lesson teaching / Supporting classroom-based teaching with lessons
- lesson, including in course / Including a lesson in your course
- student progress, monitoring / Monitoring student progress through a lesson
- Moodle lessons, planning / Planning your Moodle lessons carefully
- Login link / Time for action – logging in to Moodle
- Logout link / Footer
- .MBZ file / What just happened?
- Messages block
- using / Managing your contacts
- messaging, Moodle
- about / Moodle messaging
- welcome message, sending / Sending a welcome message, Time for action – sending a message to your students
- delivery status, checking / Are you getting the message, Time for action – adding and using the Messages block, What just happened?
- Message block, adding / Time for action – adding and using the Messages block, What just happened?
- Message block, using / Time for action – adding and using the Messages block, What just happened?
- contacts, managing / Managing your contacts, Time for action – adding a contact
- contacts, adding / Time for action – adding a contact, What just happened?
- Microsoft Word
- distributing, limitations / Documents and handouts: Which format, Microsoft Word
- using / Microsoft Word
- Miscellaneous Settings box / Time for action – adding a choice activity
- Moodle
- activities / What can Moodle do for me
- student, advantages / Advantages for the student
- open source, advantages / The advantage of open source
- history / The history of Moodle
- features / A new learning pedagogy
- logging on / Logging on
- logging off / Logging off
- course creator / Who decides who's teaching on a course
- capabilities / Capabilities
- contexts / Contexts
- site, running / Why am I mentioning all of this
- appearance, enhancing / Moodle look and feel
- themes / Moodle themes
- page / A Moodle page
- course, organizing / How Moodle organizes its courses
- course, creating / Creating your course
- other websites, linking to / Linking to other websites
- videos, playing / Making Moodle play your videos
- video troubleshooting / Moodle video troubleshooting
- audio, including / Playing audio
- assignment conversion / Converting projects and assignments
- project conversion / Converting projects and assignments
- communication / Communicating in Moodle
- messaging / Moodle messaging
- quiz / Quiz
- built-in question editors, using / Using Moodle's built-in question editors
- lesson activity / Lesson activity
- Workshop activity / Workshop – Peer review and assessment
- Wiki / Wiki
- glossary activity / Glossary activity
- choice activity / Choice
- conditional tracking / Completion tracking
- completion tracking / Completion tracking
- conditional activities / Conditional activities
- blended learning / Blended learning with Moodle
- Moodle, logging into
- steps / Time for action – logging in to Moodle, What just happened?
- users, self introducting / Telling other users about yourself
- profiles, editing / Time for action – editing your profile, What just happened?
- password, changing / Changing your password
- Moodle assignments
- uses / More uses for Moodle assignments
- Moodle course
- contents / From curriculum to courses: What counts as a Moodle course
- resources, embedding into / From curriculum to courses: What counts as a Moodle course
- sections, dividing into / From curriculum to courses: What counts as a Moodle course
- organizing / How Moodle organizes its courses
- breaking up / Breaking up is hard to do
- key skills, developing / Have a go hero – developing key skills
- discussing / If in doubt, hold a meeting
- setting up / Let's get started: Setting up the course
- Moodle customization
- resources, arranging / Arranging your resources
- course, backing up / Backing up your course
- Moodle gradebook
- accessing / Using the Moodle gradebook
- configuring / Time for action – configuring the gradebook, What just happened?
- custom outcomes, including / Have a go hero – including custom outcomes
- Moving dialog / Time for action – putting files where we want them
- multimedia
- embedding / More on embedding
- multiple documents, uploading simultaneously
- about / Uploading lots of documents in one go
- files packaging together / Time for action – packing files together
- ZIP files, uploading / What just happened?
- oversize zip files, dealing with / Dealing with oversize zip files
- folders, zipping / Zipping folders
- ZIP file removing, after unpacking / Removing the ZIP file when you have unpacked it
- My courses link / What to do if your course has been created for you
- Navigation block / Time for action – sending a message to your students
- Navigation block icon / Blocks
- New picture setting / What just happened?
- Notes link / Handling student submissions
- online chat rooms
- about / Online chat rooms
- downsides / Online chat rooms
- adding, to course / Adding a chat room to your course
- emoticons, using / Being understood – Using emoticons
- past chat sessions, viewing / Viewing past chat sessions
- availability status, showing / Letting students know when you are available, Time for action – telling students when we're around, What just happened?
- calendar, adding to course front page / Adding a calendar to your course front page, Time for action – adding the calendar
- calendar events / Have a go hero – calendar events
- tips and tricks / Chat room tips and tricks
- online chat rooms, adding to course
- Moodle chat, adding / Time for action – adding a Moodle chat, What just happened?
- online courses
- full conversion / Converting to fully online courses
- online structuring, of projects
- new topic, adding to course / Adding a new topic to a course
- topic, adding / Time for action – adding a topic and hiding it, What just happened?
- topic, hiding / Time for action – adding a topic and hiding it, What just happened?
- Options box / Time for action – giving students individual files
- other websites, linking to Moodle
- options / Linking to other websites
- advantages / Linking to other websites
- link, adding to course main page / Adding a link to the course main page, Time for action – creating links to websites on the course main page, What just happened?
- text conversion, to web link / Turning text into a web link
- links, inserting in Moodle web page / Time for action – putting links in a Moodle web page, What just happened?
- links, manually inserting into Moodle web page / Manually adding links to Moodle web pages
- link, creating out of text / Time for action – making a link out of text, What just happened?
- Outcomes box / Time for action – grading core competencies in assignments
- Outcomes used in course page / Time for action – creating a custom grade item in the grader report
- page, Moodle
- breadcrumb trail / Breadcrumb trail
- blocks / Blocks
- footer / Footer
- icons / Icons
- Participants link / Monitoring student participation
- Perform backup button / Time for action – backing up your course, Time for action – back up your course
- Perform restore button / Time for action – restore a course
- Photostory / More on embedding
- Please enter folder name dialog / Time for action – creating a "Handouts" folder
- Post to forum button / Time for action – starting a discussion
- PowerPoints / More on embedding
- Private files link / Time for action – giving students individual files
- Profile page / Breadcrumb trail
- project conversion, to Moodle
- Offline assignment, using / Converting a project to Moodle using an Offline assignment, Time for action – adding an Offline activity assignment, What just happened?
- Advanced uploading of files assignment type, using / Converting a project to Moodle using an Advanced uploading of files assignment, Time for action – adding an Advanced uploading of files assignment, What just happened?
- projects
- online structuring / Structuring converted projects and assignments online
- questions, adding to Question Bank
- multiple choice / What just happened?
- short answer / What just happened?
- numerical / What just happened?
- description / What just happened?
- Calculated / What just happened?
- essay / What just happened?
- matching / What just happened?
- Random Short-Answer Matching / What just happened?
- Embedded Answers (Cloze) / What just happened?
- quiz
- final test, converting to Moodle / Quiz
- questions, importing / Importing questions, Managing questions, Time for action – categorizing questions, What just happened?
- questions, categorizing / Time for action – categorizing questions
- test, setting / Setting a test
- adding, to course / Time for action – adding a quiz to the course
- Re-calculate grades button / What just happened?
- resource arrangement
- about / Arranging your resources
- resources, arranging
- in order / Putting your resources in order
- steps / Time for action – arranging your resources, What just happened?
- move icon, searching / What just happened?
- label, inserting / Time for action – inserting a label, What just happened?
- Restore / What just happened?
- Restore button / Time for action – restore a course
- Save changes button / Time for action – setting up the course format, Time for action – adding a choice activity, Configuring conditional activities
- Search Images button / Google image search
- Search people and messages option / Time for action – adding a contact
- Select this file button / Time for action – giving students individual files
- Self completion block / More on course completion
- Self enrollment (Student) method / Time for action – specifying a course enrollment key
- Self enrolment configuration page / Time for action – specifying a course enrollment key
- Send for marking button / Time for action – uploading a file to an assignment
- Settings block / What just happened?, What just happened?, Configuring conditional activities
- Shared question user / Allowing teachers access to questions outside of their courses
- Show Advanced button / Time for action – create groupings, Time for action – configuring the gradebook
- Site administration menu / Configuring glossary auto-linking
- picture, showing / Picture shows using
- slideshow, adding / Time for action – adding a slide show, What just happened?
- Admin guidance, seeking / Ask the Admin
- multimedia plugins, not enabling / What happens if you don't enable multimedia plugins
- files / What happens if you don't enable multimedia plugins
- Soundboard / Embedding audio from an audio sharing website
- SoundCloud / Embedding audio from an audio sharing website
- student, introducing to course
- students, enrolling / Enrolling a student, Time for action – enrolling a student on your course, What just happened?
- student enrollment, course
- enrollment key, specifying / Enrolling with a key, Time for action – specifying a course enrollment key, What just happened?
- options / Other enrollment options
- student enrollment, options
- manual enrollment / Teachers enroll students manually
- group enrollment / Groups and group enrollment
- groups enrollment / Free-for-all: Letting anybody enroll
- cohort / Enrolling a cohort
- automatic enrollment, from MIS / Automatic enrollment from your school's Management Information System (MIS)
- guest access, allowing / Allowing guest access
- student group management
- groups, creating / Creating Groups, Time for action – creating student groups, What just happened?
- students, adding to group / Adding students to groups
- students adding, manually / Time for action – manually adding students to a group, What just happened?
- group enrolment key, specifying / Time for action – specifying a group enrollment key, What just happened?
- groups, collaborating in / Collaborating in groups, Time for action – group work in a forum, What just happened?
- group-specific work, handing out / Handing out group-specific work, Time for action – create groupings
- students grading
- about / Grading students on core competencies
- outcomes, configuring / Configuring outcomes
- custom grade item, creating in grader report / Time for action – creating a custom grade item in the grader report
- core competencies, grading / Time for action – grading core competencies in assignments, What just happened?
- admin guidance, seeking / Ask the admin
- Submission phase column / What just happened?
- Subscription mode setting / Time for action – subscribing users to a forum
- Switch role to option / What just happened?
- Teacher Tube
- videos, including from / Including videos from TeacherTube, Time for action – embedding a video from TeacherTube
- teaching staff
- administrator / Assigning teaching staff
- manager / Assigning teaching staff
- course creator / Assigning teaching staff
- teacher / Assigning teaching staff
- non-editing teacher / Assigning teaching staff
- roles, assigning / Time for action – assigning roles, What just happened?
- themes, Moodle / Moodle themes
- Turn editing on link / Time for action – defining each week/topic
- types, forums
- about / Types of forum
- Upcoming events block / What just happened? , Time for action – adding the calendar
- Update profile button / Time for action – editing your profile
- Upload a file link / Time for action – uploading a file to an assignment
- Upload files button / Time for action – uploading a file to an assignment
- Upload this file button / Time for action – including a video on your course front page, Time for action – uploading a file to an assignment
- User Management Resource Administrator (UMRA) / Automatic enrollment from your school's Management Information System (MIS)
- User picture box / Have a go hero
- video file format
- choosing / Choosing a video file format
- videos
- importing / Importing videos
- including, on course front page / Time for action – including a video on your course front page
- embedding, into Moodle Page / Time for action – embedding a video into a Moodle Page, What just happened?
- file format, selecting / Choosing a video file format
- troubleshooting / Moodle video troubleshooting
- plaing, in Moodle / Time for action – getting your videos to play in Moodle
- embedding, from video sharing website / Embedding a video from a video sharing website
- including, from You Tube / Including videos from YouTube, Time for action – embedding the YouTube player into your course
- extracting from You Tube / Extracting a video from YouTube
- including, from Teacher Tube / Including videos from TeacherTube, Time for action – embedding a video from TeacherTube
- video sharing website
- video, embedding / Embedding a video from a video sharing website
- View 1 submitted assignments link / Handling student submissions
- Vimeo / What just happened?
- web pages
- decorative images, searching / Finding decorative images
- HTML Editor, tips / HTML Editor tips and tricks: Smilies and other gimmicks
- Wiki
- large documents, converting / Turning large documents into a wiki
- hidden topic, adding / Time for action – adding a hidden topic
- adding / Time for action – adding a wiki, What just happened?, Adding a wiki, What just happened?
- tasks / Wiki
- options, collaborative wiki / What are my wiki options
- options, individual wiki / What are my wiki options
- uses / What can you use a wiki for
- page, editing / Editing a wiki page
- features / Have a go hero – there's more to a wiki than just teaching
- Wiki page
- new page, creating / Creating a new page
- pages history, viewing / Viewing a page's history
- work, distributing
- individual files, distributing / Time for action – giving students individual files
- file collection, accessing / Accessing collections of files
- folder, displaying / Time for action – displaying a folder, What just happened?
- repositories / Repositories, Pop quiz
- Workshop
- about / Workshop – Peer review and assessment
- review / Workshop – Peer review and assessment
- adding / Time for action – adding a workshop, What just happened?
- You Tube
- videos, including from / Including videos from YouTube, Time for action – embedding the YouTube player into your course
- videos, extracting / Extracting a video from YouTube
- ZiLink / Automatic enrollment from your school's Management Information System (MIS)