Capturing and enhancing pictures using GIMP
The usual cliché "a picture is worth more than a thousand words" sometimes convinces me. Especially, if we are talking about our students creating these images, by photographing, drawing, or making collages, and discussing these with their peers. Using strong images to introduce themes is a great starter and a nice context to question students. Pictures seem to resonate with many students in textbooks, course material, illustrating reports, raw material for photo stories or story boards, and as assignment products in general. Give students a digital camera and they'll just start photographing and filming without any limitations. And now it's quick and cheap to take even a thousand photos.
As teachers, we also use a lot of pictures in presentations, exams and exercises, department or club panels, to photograph experiments, activities and students' works, to create mascots made of collages, and many other things. I did all of this as a teacher,...