Spring support for header customizations
If we need to do further customization to the header, then the Spring Integration package provides us with complete support. If we explicitly specify the header names in the configuration with comma separated values, the default behavior will be overridden.
The following is the configuration for further header customization:
<int-http:outbound-gateway id="httpGateway" url="http://localhost/app2" mapped-request-headers="boo, bar" mapped-response-headers="X-*, HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADERS" channel="someChannel"/> <int-http:outbound-channel-adapter id="httpAdapter" url="http://localhost/app2" mapped-request-headers="boo, bar, HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS" channel="someChannel"/>
Another option is to use the header-mapper attribute, which takes the DefaultHttpHeaderMapper
class configurations.
The class comes with factory methods that are static for inbound and outbound adapters.
The following is the configuration for the header-mapper...