As time shows, all static analysis tools aiming to support other architectures beyond x86 generally start from the 32-bit ARM, so it is generally easier to find good tools for it. Since the 64-bit ARM was introduced relatively recently, support for it is still more limited. Still, Relyze, Binary Ninja, and Hopper support it.
However, this becomes especially true in terms of dynamic analysis. For example, at the moment, IDA only ships the debugging server for the 32-bit version of ARM for Linux. While it might be time-consuming to get and use the physical ARM machine to run a sample, one of the possible solutions here is to use QEMU and run a GDB server on the x86-based machine.:
qemu-arm -g 1234 ./binary.arm
If the sample is dynamically linked, then additional ARM libraries may need to be installed separately, for example, using the libc6-armhf-cross package (armel can be used instead of armhf for ARM versions older than 7). The path to them (in this case, it will be /usr/arm-linux...