10.1. Freezing by proxying: In the Chaining and fluent interfaces section of Chapter 8, Connecting Functions – Pipelining and Composition, we used a proxy to get operations in order to provide automatic chaining. By using a proxy for setting and deleting operations, you may do your own freezing (if, instead of setting an object's property, you'd rather throw an exception). Implement a freezeByProxy(obj) function that will apply this idea to forbid all kinds of updates (adding, modifying, or deleting properties) for an object. Remember to work recursively in case an object has other objects as properties!
10.2. Inserting into a list, persistently: In the Working with lists section, we described how an algorithm could add a new node to a list, but in a persistent way, by creating a new list. Implement an insertAfter(list, newKey, oldKey) function...